NY chicken lover!!!!

I am down to about 50 hens/roosters still to get rid of. I placed an ad on Craigslist and everyone came for hens. One lady did take a rooster. This whole thing is breaking my heart. I have so much time into these birds and about $15,000. I don't want to take any to freezer camp next week.

Is anyone looking for a Creme Legbar project? I have Jill Reese imports from Greenfire Farms. There is one rooster and four hens. I don't want to split these up at all.

i also will have two white pavlovskaya roosters if any of you want a cool project.

i have Silverudd blues (Black roo, blue, black and splash hen)

I also have Swedish Flowers trio's left.

I have a ton of roosters...black melanistic ones (Svart hona, Cemani, Hona/Isbar mix) I can't guarantee who is who because my farm hand let everyone hang together.

I have eco-glow warmers, chicken pens, chicken warmers etc...


So sorry you're having to sell them off :( Are you moving? I wish I was close enough to take some off your hands.
So sorry you're having to sell them off :( Are you moving? I wish I was close enough to take some off your hands.

Hi Pyxis-
Yes, off to Florida. My Dad's health has declined and I need to be around for him. Daughter is going to college there and my boyfriend here flew the coop. SOOOOO stressed out!!! But, I'm staying focused & positive....
Hi Pyxis-
Yes, off to Florida. My Dad's health has declined and I need to be around for him. Daughter is going to college there and my boyfriend here flew the coop. SOOOOO stressed out!!! But, I'm staying focused & positive....


Perhaps after you get settled there you will be able to have poultry again.
I have 17 BO's from TSC plus some silkies. PLUS chicks and roosters. The chicks are out of green eggs but have white in them. I don't know where that's coming from since the rooster is black split. Lavender or blue hens. I also have some Barred with feathered legs.
I also noticed one of the hens in the Marans coop has white in her earlobes. She must be the one laying the brown egg. I don't know where that came from. Comments welcome.
Free chickens. Anyone here want some. I do hope you'll take roosters too but there are hens and youngsters. I've got some BO's all pullets. Chicks as well. EE's mostly. I have hens sitting on eggs but I'm about to pull any they have and stop the hatching for the year. I usually let them sit till it gets to late to rear chicks. I also have some Silkies from TSC. You must come and get them of course. Bring your own boxes.
New question. I bought some K. Campbells from TSC but one of them I noticed has a bit of a crooked neck. I'd noticed it when they were younger but wasn't quite sure. Now I am and that the top of it's head is smaller and right eye looks a bit off. It seems fine as is, but I wonder what's going on. I didn't realize they were so noisy. How do I sex them? I've been reading about duck and duck eggs, but these are not like the Swedish I used to have.

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