NY chicken lover!!!!

Good morning!! I was wondering if anyone local to Syracuse/Utica area has any extra hardware cloth I could buy off of them? Looking for 1/2”. My local hardware store is out and will take 7 days to get more in.
Oh wow, there's a New York thread!

I have 3 Guineas and 5 Pullets... Occasionally free ranged.
They're getting along for now.
I want a quiet rooster! (Hey, one can always dream right?)
Oh wow, there's a New York thread!

I have 3 Guineas and 5 Pullets... Occasionally free ranged.
They're getting along for now.
I want a quiet rooster! (Hey, one can always dream right?)
Good Gramma - all in working order now. How are you doing? Any flock additions this year?
I added some Breda chicks hatched from my girls and sold a few of them. Of course, I now have more boys.......:rolleyes:
We got some eggs from friends ..Americanas and Barred Rock Mixes ..9 hatch almost all boys ..Holding out that at least one is a girl ..Anyone know what would have a tuft on its head like this ...

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