NY chicken lover!!!!

I can not keep up with all these posts.

Stony - I've given hens away but not anymore. I settled for $20 for the three since they are crosses. She hasn't seen them yet but if she wants them she can have them. I don't keep a large supply to sell since I need the eggs. These girls are still layers though.
I've got some of Scotts CR's coming into lay but they seem to be taking a long time. Heck the BM's laid in 16 wks.

Featherz, my BM hen went back to laying rather quickly. Chicks barely 3 wks old. I hope they all do that. I've a third out of four brooding eggs now. What are you hatching under them?

Folks , I think the wooden eggs in the nest boxes is not helping in this brooding area. I think they put ideas in these girls heads.

AQHA - congrats. I hope you get many more.
I actually have pictures of me with some of the warrant guys.. Went to disneyland with several members of Poison (bret and Rikki). I think I have pics of skid row also. None with Bon Jovi tho (DARN!!).. :)

Here's me (on lower left) with Bret Michaels when we went to disneyland.

Looks like it was a good time.
Well, the entire back yard (almost, but that's a long story) now has the electric netting. SO far it's been a success, although one of my chargers actually went UP in voltage. Not sure why that happened but the tester shows hot 7K+ on all wires. Chickens have not yet flown over and the baby chicks just go in and out through the holes without damage. Since mama can't fit in, they always scoot back in through the wires.

Got this pic today.. one of my big langshan ladies just sitting in front of 'her' fan. Obviously you can't tell in the pic, but it's on high and her feathers are just a-blowing. :)

Well, the entire back yard (almost, but that's a long story) now has the electric netting. SO far it's been a success, although one of my chargers actually went UP in voltage. Not sure why that happened but the tester shows hot 7K+ on all wires. Chickens have not yet flown over and the baby chicks just go in and out through the holes without damage. Since mama can't fit in, they always scoot back in through the wires.

Got this pic today.. one of my big langshan ladies just sitting in front of 'her' fan. Obviously you can't tell in the pic, but it's on high and her feathers are just a-blowing. :)

That's a great pic, featherz, sort of "human-like"!

What charger(s) do you use for your electric netting?

They are cute and they look a lot like our Silver amercauna X Leghorn EE. All EE are cute and interesting. Like in Forrest Gump "...is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."
These are project ameracaunas from Renee in Syracuse. The secret source of my bright blue eggs that occasionally make it into my customers egg carton. They always look to see if their carton has the "prize".
Just found my second egg!!!
Is it possible that the same chicken would lay an egg 2 days in a row? It's another brown egg and was in the same box. I'm thinking it was a different hen...since they are just starting?
Yes, chickens will lay an egg several days in a row , or you could have another coming into lay!

I got 10, yes you heard me 10!! blue eggs today!! 2 white eggs and 3 brown eggs!! This is the most I have ever gotten.!!! I guess it makes up for the rooster flogging me yesterday. The third time he came after me I grabbed him by the neck. He came real close to meeting his maker. He then got dropped kicked. I so hate to do that, but with the blood running down my leg and me having to go to work, there was no time to pick him up and carry him around. Now when I walk into his pasture he very gentlemen like, walks to the other side of the pen . HE better!!!
Today is going to be a busy one. Started treating our birds. Ivermectin for the young stock and eprinex for the layers. The bugs are at a record high this year. Dang weather! Need to clean some pens and shovel the horse area too. Maybe mow the weeds to level them off to grass level because the grass isn't growing. Our hay came yesterday and they'll be bringing I think one more load today. Whew!
Are you guys worming?
Folks , I think the wooden eggs in the nest boxes is not helping in this brooding area. I think they put ideas in these girls heads.
well of course it does. I've enticed countless hens into going broody by leaving ceramic eggs laying around to give them ideas. It works well to entice the girls into going broody
Yes, chickens will lay an egg several days in a row , or you could have another coming into lay!

I got 10, yes you heard me 10!! blue eggs today!! 2 white eggs and 3 brown eggs!! This is the most I have ever gotten.!!! I guess it makes up for the rooster flogging me yesterday. The third time he came after me I grabbed him by the neck. He came real close to meeting his maker. He then got dropped kicked. I so hate to do that, but with the blood running down my leg and me having to go to work, there was no time to pick him up and carry him around. Now when I walk into his pasture he very gentlemen like, walks to the other side of the pen . HE better!!!

He does know what happened to all those other cockerels, right? Take him in and show him the contents of the freezer.

My roo has been properly respectful since I went after him waving the bedding fork while screaming like a banshee because he jumped at me while my back was turned. When I'm in the run or the coop he stays at a healthy distance. He'll investigate what I'm doing, of course, but doesn't get too close. If I'm walking along outside the run fence, however, he pulls a "Mr. Tough Guy" act to save face with the ladies. He'll pace along the inside of the fence beside me, looking up at me like "aren't I tough? See - I'm not intimidated!" If I stop and point at him and say "YOU!", however, he'll bok-bok-bok and hustle his tailfeathers away from the fence. It's pretty funny, actually - it's like having him patrolling the fenceline with me.

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