Obsessive Chicken Disorder (OCD) help and support thread 😂😅🐔

I need this support group. Recently, I have been really struggling with this obsessive chicken disorder.😣 I have set 42 eggs (in my incubator) and my bantam hen is sitting on three eggs (all are alive and well), and I have three more broodies that just need chicks. What am I supposed to do!?!
Do you have any friends that want chicks?
I’ll just embrace this OCD and accept the punishments of having to build ANOTHER coop this summer.

best part of an incubaort is I just hatch and keep, but these 18 chickens are catching up to me!🤣
It's so hard I am getting chicks on wensday and I am trying so hard to not get more before then I have been waiting for 2 weeks...I go in everyday and hold the ones at the store and I have and I have named a couple that haven't left lol its terrible!!!
I am not doing the hatch a long because I have eggs ordered for pickup the day after Easter and am setting at school on Tue. For like 2 weeks, I had to convince myself not to buy eggs for the hatch a long. If a chick hatched late it would throw everything off…and not enough time to clean the incubator. Then I have shipped eggs ordered to ship the week after my school hatch. Just enough time to move out the last batch & disinfect. I am now trying to figure out a way to do a third hatch the first week of July. Why? Because it will be fun. Anyone near NY want me to hatch some eggs for them in July? 😂

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