Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

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They all missed Woodstock and the 60's so they are working on a redux.

I'm serious though...
What exactly ARE they doing? What is it that they "want"? I cant figure it out...

They are sick of The Man keepin them down.
Redhen, I am fairly certain that you can get a range of responses from the people who have contributed to this thread. Some will say they are just there as troublemakers, others will say they are paid agitators and really have no idea why they are there. Royd, like you, has no idea so that is how he generally responds. There is really no simple answer, but to put it in its most simplistic terms they feel that the multi millionairs and billionaires in this country (the top 1%) make far too much in comparison to the rest of the people (the 99%) and that they do not contribute in the same proportion as their incomes. The other economic issues are with the big banks as they feel that the big banks and some other large corporations have taken advantage of the majority of Americans (the foreclosure issues and the housing market) and they want them to be more reponsive to the needs of the so called 99%. The reality of the whole thing is that a lot of Americans are feeling very frustrated over the bad economy and its impact on the average person and they want some changes made.
I'd pretty much agree with most of that. Right now, they don't know what changes they want, but they are talking with each other and trying to work together to come up with a plan.
Most of us KNOW that there has been a serious problem brewing. Corporations have gained too much control over the political process.

Many, many people committed massive fraud over the last few years and almost no one was prosecuted for it.

People destroyed very big pension funds by lying to them and selling them "investments" which they knew were rotten and calling them AAA. Pensions are not allowed by law to invest in things which are not AAA rated. No one has been held accountable for this.

This problem and the crowds attempting to "do something" about it make us ripe for a very bad time. We'll end up with totalitarianism in some form or another if either side gets there way.

Maybe with both sides pulling we'll get some sanity.
I am really worried.
They all missed Woodstock and the 60's so they are working on a redux.

I'm serious though...
What exactly ARE they doing? What is it that they "want"? I cant figure it out...

Neither can they.
Just so you know, I am a newshound. Very little escapes me. These people are in the wrong place. They need to be in DC. The banks didn't do all of this, willey nilley, without the lifting of regulations in Washington, although, they do not seem to have the ability for self regulation, after the fact. Sort of like letting an alcoholic into a liquor store or a diabetic into a pastry shop. Nobody's looking so what the hey.

The housing bubble burst in DC, not Wall St. Pushed along with a blind eye toward illegal immigration. That 15 yr. boom should have been able to last 40 yrs.

As I said, earlier, we have become an entitlement nation. Not just in money, but in attitudes. Part of the reason we allow the illegal immigration, is because we have our noses up in the air about certain jobs. Sorry, but just because your parents spent $100,000 on your education, doesn't entitle you to a $50-80,000 a year entry level job.

All of these people screaming about the financial classism, really would not be happy if what they claim to want, came to pass...A classless society, where everyone has the same amount, regardless of effort or talent....Your job is to head to the bean fields. We need pickers, today....But I'm a commercial artist....Sorry, but there's no call for ads, any longer, because we are all wearing the same thing

BTW. You never responded about me throwing the flag on your having been to every city where there's a demonstration and doing a scientific poll...Just admit it, you didn't think anyone would call you on it.
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I spy a Kalashnikov.

While I most certainly support this man's choice of a Kalashnikov-pattern rifle as his weapon, I must respectfully disagree with going to a protest with it - that is certain to invite a massive police crackdown. The AK should be kept well hidden until it's needed.
Red, those people are there because they bought a lie. Someone told them that there are no risks in life, no risk in investments, no risks in your health, no risk in anything just vote for us and we will take care of you similar to how the military works, do what your told don't think independantly or at all and we will take care of you and now the chickens have came home to roost for them and something they put thier mis guided faith in has let them down. Ask any of them and they will all agree they want something they feel is better than what they have, just fill in the blank person to person. The alternative is to start over and quit wallowing in your pit of despair. Starting over begins with accepting PERSONAL responsibility.
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You must admit it makes people polite.

I spy a Kalashnikov.

While I most certainly support this man's choice of a Kalashnikov-pattern rifle as his weapon, I must respectfully disagree with going to a protest with it - that is certain to invite a massive police crackdown. The AK should be kept well hidden until it's needed.
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