October 2021 Hatch-A-Long

I couldn't help myself and candled the Araucana pen already. 12 out of 12 from the cross hen are developing. I saw 9 developing and 1 super early quitter in the pures, two eggs were too dark for me to see. Very very early days but it's good to see this kind of fertility!!
I'll try my best to not candle again until day 7 but I'm manually turning, so it might be tricky not to
Praise the Lord, I have some life, too!

I'm back to try my luck! Ordered a dozen Japanese bantam eggs for my son and as we know shipped eggs like to be upright so I had to use the janoel 8-48 and incubators like to be at full capacity to hold even heat so I had to set 3 dozen of my own. Bantam silver laced wyandotte, standard partridge wyandotte and the buff of the orpingtons. Now, last month out of 24 eggs we only had 2 fertile so here's hoping the boys are finally feeling the spring air.🤞due 7th Oct

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