October Hatching ... How many are in? I'm due to hatch on 10/17

I've been feeling so low after having to bury my first two chicks. Your thread restores my patience and hope.

Is anyone else using a broody hen or are you all using incubators?

I used a White Silkie as a surrogate..she so wanted to sit on eggs! She sat on Marans/Americauna, Marans/White Leghorn and Marans/EE's. I got five little ones to hatch and they all look like their dad with feathered legs :)

LOCKDOWN is Tuesday, the 19th for me!
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Last year, I had 5 Black Copper Marans in the incubator. By Day # 22 there was no sign of anything! If they did not hatch by next morning, I was going to unplug the incubator.

Around midnight, I woke up to some really loud peeping!

Don't give up hope till day 24............
I am right there with you I lockdown tomorrow at 6 am. I wentback and forth about the egg cartons but have decided to go with shellf lining and no cartoons. This is my first time hatching eggs though. Good luck with your hatch!
@Edistochick I would not give up either for a few days, you temps may have been running a little low, least that is what I have heard.
I am right there with you I lockdown tomorrow at 6 am. I wentback and forth about the egg cartons but have decided to go with shellf lining and no cartoons. This is my first time hatching eggs though. Good luck with your hatch!
@Edistochick I would not give up either for a few days, you temps may have been running a little low, least that is what I have heard.

Shelflining is the BEST ! I use it too. The babies have a lot more traction!
I put my eggs in cartons and then changed my mind about 10 minutes later after reading a thread where someone didn't have as good of a survival rate after zip with cartons. So now the eggs are just on their sides. But this is my first attempt at incubation. I'm in lockdown now.
I put my eggs in cartons and then changed my mind about 10 minutes later after reading a thread where someone didn't have as good of a survival rate after zip with cartons. So now the eggs are just on their sides. But this is my first attempt at incubation. I'm in lockdown now.

Please post pics of those fuzzy babies!
My two Wheaten Ameraucana eggs that seem to have made it (out of 7eggs) are now in lock down due Tuesday morning. I sure hope both eggs hatch so they have a buddy to grow with (as well as a better chance of getting a female).

Fun to watch all the others hatching this month. Keep up the good work!
I have a cabinet bator full of my Turken eggs, guinea eggs and Bobwhites.
I have 2 ducks sitting on eggs
and 1 goose sitting and one of my Midget Whites is sitting under my house on I dont know how many eggs.

The girls are driving me crazy.

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