October Hatching ... How many are in? I'm due to hatch on 10/17

That's a BIG 10-4!
THank you very much for your kindness and support.. Im sure I will be back with many questions.
Well the deed is done. I set 21 eggs today. 2 from the Cx's and 19 from the rest of the flock. Heres to hoping...
DAY 23 I have two that I helped out...they are resting. I have to more that have pipped. 6 already in the brooder. So if the two survive that gives me 8 out of 21. 7 BLW and 1 silkie/cochin cross. The 2 that pipped are 1 BLW and 1 Silkie/Cochin cross. I always wait until day 24-25. Then I smell and listen. Maybe even candle. I did have one of the silkie/Cochin crosses die trying to hatch I got there to late to help. I hate to help and not help. Either I lose them from not helping or like the two I helped are having a hard time getting going. with post pics of the 6 soon.
It's heartening to read that it's not 'over' till day 25. I had the two that didn't make it on day 21, then nothing. Surely they would all want to hatch at the same time? As I'm suspecting my Plymouth Rock trod on them. I'm also thinking if there are any more that hatch I might put them in a box with an angle poise lamp to keep them warm for a few days, or at least until they dry out and are able to walk around. I've raised day-old chicks with the lamp before. Here's hoping the surrogate would accept them back.

Anyhow, I'm not holding out much hope for any live hatch at this stage, but will leave her sitting on the eggs until day 25. *please hatch*
OK! 22 in lockdown. Mostly blue Orpington's, some buffs and one little d'uncle. 15 that I thought were still going and 7 that I can't tell. This is the most that I have ever had, that made it to lockdown. Wish us luck! Now we wait and watch! Oh boy, bator TV.

I always convince myself that nothing is going to happen, and when it does, I am always shocked!

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