October Hatching ... How many are in? I'm due to hatch on 10/17

October Hatching...I'm out

Don't read on if you are squeamish!

After the two who didn't make it on Day 21 I gave the rest another three days, but no pips or cheeps. I dug a hole in the garden where I'd buried the other two chicks and 'investigated' the rest of the eggs with a gardening implement and long protective gloves. Should have worn a breathing aparatus...they were just rotten. Only one other chick was in an egg, but it had some rotten grey fluid too.

I'm phoning around breeders for some day old chicks now. I don't suppose my broody hen would foster chicks, would she? Has anyone ever done this?
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At $10 a chick it would be an expensive and emotionally exhausting exercise if it failed. I'll buy some chicks sometime in the future and raise them with a lamp. Thanks ihvpower for the concern. To top it off, Fraggle gave me a whopper of a peck when I turfed her off the nest. I've been well and truely 'henpecked'.
Not sure the shrink-wrapped chick will make it. I was very very careful in assisting it (it had been stuck for two full days in that egg with just the one smaller-than-a-dime opening) last night. It's unfolded, but is still on its back, hasn't gotten up. I won't be able to check on it until I get home from work tonight, but I'm not hopeful for that particular chick.

On the other hand, the two who made it out are scooting around in the brooder with the other 11 chicks from an earlier hatch, just fine. As I've said before, for ME, ANY surviving chick from a hatch makes it a positive one for me!
i had two hatch out well and they are now in the brooder:) one i thought was going to make it but i think it turned around in its egg and suffocated:[ holding that dead baby chick was so terrible... it is in the freezer now in a box and i'm going to bury it and any others that dont make it.
i helped one hatch because it had been taking all night and day. it was fully out this morning but was a little weak and had a kind of tapping breathing.. its still moving around and peeping but not as much as the first two when they hatched.
another one along with that one hatched and is still in the incubator too soo that makes

2 in the brooder

2 in the incubator

1 that didn't make it:(

a bunch of eggs that aren't doing anything yet but they are from the fridge and i also added eggs to the incubator on different days

does anyone have any tips? this is my first time doing this

temp is around 100 and humidity is 70-80 and once i saw it at 100
if she is sitting on eggs and doesn't already have babies then maybe? i have heard of that working but idk if you should listen to me:/ i would try it and watch super carefully. also i would add them at night.
i'm so sorry about your chicks that didn't make it that is so sad: (
Here are pictures from the October 8th hatch!! Some birds hatched early on the 7th, but everything was done and totally healthy on the 8th. These pictures are from the 9th, or 10th. All of them are going through their first moult as we speak, so picture time wont be coming around for a few weeks

The Beltsville eggs were from Jerry Pool's flock of Illinois and the BLRW (our hatch has only splashes and blues) are from Chicken Scratch Poultry in Illinois as well!





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Beautiful babies!!!

Tonight, I went and got a new brooder and lamps. I just use a plastic bottom rabbit cage and some reptile twin heat lamps. I've found it to be very easy to clean. I don't see any movement yet in the bator but I am not worried...yet.I also got some stuff that is just like grogel (sp?) but it's for crickets. It's called Flukers Cricket Quencher..It is EXACTLY the same stuff as the Grogel or whatever it is called. just an added water source and it's drown free......I don't really need it but I wanted extra precautions, cuz I'm weird like that. lol I got it at Petsmart. cheaper than the other stuff too.

so, tomorrow I will set everything up wait the great wait...good thing I have work or my face would stuck in the bator window 24/7.

the weak chick and the other one in the incubator are now in the brooder but the weak one is under a mesh fish breeder cage thing. it peeps and stuff every once and a while and stands up but its really frail compared to the others.

in the incubator i noticed a bunch more eggs with peck marks through them. i wonder if they will hatch too

im super worried about the weak one though:[

i think one of them might have a curled toe too
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