Odd’s thread of names! (I can suggest names for individual birds, too!)

Here are some chicken names I like. I posted a similar list on another thread a few days ago. They may not suit everyone's taste, but here they are!

My favorite vintage-sounding names for pullets/hens: Arabella, Araminta, Betty, Elowen, Esther, Frances, Gladys, Lena, Leola, Lottie, Mabel, Rosalind, Tessie, Tilly.

Vintage-sounding names for cockerels/roosters: Alistair, Ambrose, Bertril, Benedict, Cecil, Cedric, Leonor, Leland, Lionel, Maurice, Percival, Reuben, Vernon.

A few flower/herb/spice name ideas for pullets/hens: Violet, Primrose, Cicely, Nutmeg, Lavender, Rosemary, Juniper, Bluebell, Cinnamon/Canela...most flower names are suitable.

Autumn and Maple are a couple name ideas that would be suitable for brown or multicolored brown/red/orange hens. And Noir and Lillith (meaning "belonging to the night," according to name websites,) could be added to the list of names for black birds.
My chickens are named very simply after their breeds:
Dominique = Dominique
EE = Ameraucana
Speckled Sussex = Sussex
Russian Orloff = Orloff
CA White = Whitey, a.k.a. Whitey Whitey
Clever names. :bow:lau
My chickens are named very simply after their breeds:
Dominique = Dominique
EE = Ameraucana
Speckled Sussex = Sussex
Russian Orloff = Orloff
CA White = Whitey, a.k.a. Whitey Whitey
Love this. Though I can’t help but wonder.... why is the EE named Ameraucana instead of Easter? Why is it the only one named after a different breed?

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