odd behavior


In the Brooder
Oct 20, 2015
is this the right forum?! nothing to do with egg laying, but didnt seem to fit emergency or any others either.
I brought my ladies (2 year old isa browns) their before bed treat yesterday but instead of pacing at the door, they were huddled in the corner. one came over while the other 2 slowly and oddly made their way into the coop, no treat. half an hour early. this has never happened before. they seemed on alert. the one that came over had a small amount of treat but then followed them into the coop. they all slept in nest boxes, which is only unusual for one of them. the coop door has been open near half an hour now, one had gotten out of box and another has made their way to sit at the opening, the 3rd (the one that had some treat) is just getting out of box, but they have yet to come out. its the warmest its been lately too. any ideas whats going on?! my only guess is they were so badly scared by something, but no way to tell. the one who had treat and followed in, is the first one out so far, nearly an hour after door opened.
update: i went out to them with treats, the other 2 came out of coop, seeming a little on alert still. one went back in maybe 30 secs later after dropping a pretty loose poop. seems there was already a couple of other diharreas around (must be from 1st one out). poops in nest boxes werent loose tho. they all ate a bit. i had put one bowl in the coop for the one that went back in, tho they all went in to eat from that bowl! they were all back in before i left them. watching from camera, they came back out and stood by pen door for maybe a minute, then back in. cant really see them too well, but it seems they are all sitting right at coop door.
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my only guess is they were so badly scared by something
This would be my first guess too. Chickens can get a fright from something and then act that way.

Putting your general location in your profile is sometimes helpful. For example - I'm in NC - last week we had about 9" of snow. My girls were fine with that, but as the snow started melting from the house roof and the coop/run roofs - large sheets of ice/snow would fall making a racket and scattering ice/snow everywhere. This...they did not like at all! They were a bit skittish and standoffish, preferring to hang out inside.

Your girls may have also encountered some type of predator moving through - a hawk in the sky, a dog or fox hanging around or sometimes it could be construction and/or neighborhood noises - you just never know. If you can, keep a watch out to see if there is anything coming around or if you hear anything out of the norm.
Thanks Wyorp Rock. I have cameras, but had them off yesterday. I am in NE ohio. I suppose it could be any of what you said. there was ice melting on their roof. falling tho, idk. theyve had hawks come and taunt them a couple of times before but never reacted like this. maybe a coyote or who knows what. Everything is usually pretty quiet around here and was yesterday. going to keep the cameras on today and keep watch on them. unfortunately im also dealing with a sick cat and way behind on chores!

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