odd color pigeon droppings


Rest in Peace 1953-2021
Apr 22, 2016
DeForest, WI
One of my birds is producing unusually colored droppings, the exact color of the redstone grit. No other signs of illness. I can't find anything online about this... help?

The last pic is another bird for comparison.
I have a bucket of same grit. I suppose your pigeon may be in need of the minerals present in that grit. They eat the grit free choice like chickens eat cracked oyster shells. It could be (she) is getting ready to lay eggs??? I would not be too worried with the colored droppings. :thumbsup
I have a bucket of same grit. I suppose your pigeon may be in need of the minerals present in that grit. They eat the grit free choice like chickens eat cracked oyster shells. It could be (she) is getting ready to lay eggs??? I would not be too worried with the colored droppings. :thumbsup
I'll put out more calcium too then, thanks.:D
I've seen that in my poultry when they eat cat food, so I think it's probably normal?
Thanks, I just can't see anything that says she is sick, today the droppings are a bit less red. She may have eaten a lot of the new grit.

I scrape the floor every day and because they have perches I can figure out which bird is producing what.
I have seen that with my birds when I put a fresh redstone pickpot in the loft and when they suddenly decide it's the hot new thing they eat enough and their poop looks exactly like that.

I also have had scares where I see tons of green poop, which would usually indicate potential sickness, only to realize it's from offering them greens or a fresh bowl of organic alfalfa pellets and sometimes they just chow down on it.
I have seen that with my birds when I put a fresh redstone pickpot in the loft and when they suddenly decide it's the hot new thing they eat enough and their poop looks exactly like that.

I also have had scares where I see tons of green poop, which would usually indicate potential sickness, only to realize it's from offering them greens or a fresh bowl of organic alfalfa pellets and sometimes they just chow down on it.
They are loving the romaine leaves. Finally got the settling cage up and I used some romaine leaves to lure them in.

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