Odd colored Coturnix quail chick


This was a bit more difficult.
The more I see of these birds the more I love them. What an interesting selection you have. After reading all of your information I am ready to just say that I am happy to just enjoy them. I can see far too many years caught up in researching the colour origins. A rabbit hole I don't want to jump into.

So I am more than happy to read your articles with interest and marvel at the "spooky face" discoveries.

It is so much more enjoyable seeing things through others eyes even if they are a bit "spooky"!

Definitely not so spooky? Thankfully she is my cuddliest girl. I think I can see a pattern even if it is a little vague.

I am really interested in your understanding of their noises. Ever since I read one of your posts on various sounds I have been listening. I cannot believe that I have never really heard them before. Thank-you for opening my ears.

Ahhh I'm no expert but if I had to guess, now that I see her back, she could be the baby of a calico and pharaoh
So 75% pharaoh (which is also referred to as "brown" or "wild type") and 25% Italian. Ish. Hehe!

Thank you so much for your compliments about my posts :D it's also uncanny because I've been considering recording and offering my interpretation of the sounds as I have s group of hens indoors for the winter (my pet group) and a friendly male that always likes to grunt and make this helium sounding grumbling noises haha.

I know several sounds more than I realized some include the tidbitting, egg laying time screech, the more common cricket chirp they make when they're lost or are calling for a male, there's this "rare" chittering sound my Italian (Golden Girl hehehe) makes where she will make a bowed stance and literally make a chittering sound and it's like she's calling for war of the chipmunks and get this - her lower beak will open and close so fast!!! And then bam she's chasing down Pengu to peck at her back (but never biting/pulling/actually hurting her) and I literally yell in a deep voice, "Hey! Golden Girrrrrrl....!!" and she calms down but before i would "tank her" meaning put her in the hay filled aquarium for a minute up to 15 minutes, lmao it's strange but I think she got the message, if I talk stern to her when she's spazzing out (she also bounces around frisky like a puppy nipping at the other quail if I clear my throat, cough, crack open a soda, etc. LOL any sudden noises) then she usually calms down.

There's also a kind of hissy fit series of quick chirps she does while fluffing up and shaking to try and show she's confident and wants my attention... I think she's too attached to me


This was a bit more difficult.

Nice bird, yes definitely a pharaoh ^^

These girls aren't as "warm" of a brown and such as yours :) I know what you mean by rabbit hole haha but I think IF they were called something different maybe grey pharaoh and yours is brown pharaoh ha ;)

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Please let me know if you post anything about sound. I would hate to miss it!




Thought you might like to see some of my babies. They were born over Dec 24, 25 and 26. 3 of the top colour, 3 pale ones, a lavender and a dark one. Can't wait to see how the lavender turns out
Ahhh I'm no expert but if I had to guess, now that I see her back, she could be the baby of a calico and pharaoh
So 75% pharaoh (which is also referred to as "brown" or "wild type") and 25% Italian. Ish. Hehe!

Thank you so much for your compliments about my posts :D it's also uncanny because I've been considering recording and offering my interpretation of the sounds as I have s group of hens indoors for the winter (my pet group) and a friendly male that always likes to grunt and make this helium sounding grumbling noises haha.

I know several sounds more than I realized some include the tidbitting, egg laying time screech, the more common cricket chirp they make when they're lost or are calling for a male, there's this "rare" chittering sound my Italian (Golden Girl hehehe) makes where she will make a bowed stance and literally make a chittering sound and it's like she's calling for war of the chipmunks and get this - her lower beak will open and close so fast!!! And then bam she's chasing down Pengu to peck at her back (but never biting/pulling/actually hurting her) and I literally yell in a deep voice, "Hey! Golden Girrrrrrl....!!" and she calms down but before i would "tank her" meaning put her in the hay filled aquarium for a minute up to 15 minutes, lmao it's strange but I think she got the message, if I talk stern to her when she's spazzing out (she also bounces around frisky like a puppy nipping at the other quail if I clear my throat, cough, crack open a soda, etc. LOL any sudden noises) then she usually calms down.

There's also a kind of hissy fit series of quick chirps she does while fluffing up and shaking to try and show she's confident and wants my attention... I think she's too attached to me

Nice bird, yes definitely a pharaoh ^^

These girls aren't as "warm" of a brown and such as yours :) I know what you mean by rabbit hole haha but I think IF they were called something different maybe grey pharaoh and yours is brown pharaoh ha ;)


I really like your steely Pharoahs. I am very partial to that deep contrast.

I pick up my Goliath pair on Saturday so I will post some picks under a new thread and tag you. Very excited. I hope I have a choice of colour.
Please let me know if you post anything about sound. I would hate to miss it!




Thought you might like to see some of my babies. They were born over Dec 24, 25 and 26. 3 of the top colour, 3 pale ones, a lavender and a dark one. Can't wait to see how the lavender turns out

I will definitely tag you :D and ahhhhhh baby birds
Hehe!! You really do have a mixed batch of some more exotic colors, very cool, lavender?! I can't wait either

Ohhh I think I might recognize your second to last baby as a barred rosetta, I have a young male and he started making the boy grunts and crowing weeks earlier than any quail I've hatched (which is only like 100 or so lol).

As a baby he was hatched with a small group of twelve and the joke was that he was "self aware" because he was the only skittish quail haha. He looked very exotic as a chick and I named him Tattoo because it almost looks like he had some crazy face tattoos going on in his chick fluff :p


Now that he's grown he has extremely dense feathers and this color,



He's still shy but stretches for me when I talk to them so not terrified or anything :p
I really like your steely Pharoahs. I am very partial to that deep contrast.

I pick up my Goliath pair on Saturday so I will post some picks under a new thread and tag you. Very excited. I hope I have a choice of colour.

I like your reference of "steely pharaohs" - it's a great color description and does it ever make these silly little birds sounds formidable

Oh wow "Goliath" quail?!! I've never even heard of that but I'm liking it... I have thought what it would be like to have crazy Golden Girl chicken sized
I like your reference of "steely pharaohs" - it's a great color description and does it ever make these silly little birds sounds formidable

Oh wow "Goliath" quail?!! I've never even heard of that but I'm liking it... I have thought what it would be like to have crazy Golden Girl chicken sized

I will be just getting the eggs now. The fellow is doing selective breeding and doesn't have enough on hand. I will just be getting a doz fertilised Colossal eggs. I will get rid of the boys and hopefully hatch some nice girls!

I will then have 3 sizes. Normal, Jumbo and Goliath. What is that saying "don't count your chickens before they hatch". That is so true. So we will cross fingers.

The Goliath weigh in at around 400-450gm. If I was an quail eating girl I would be salivating right now.
Thankfully for my girls I am not. Lol

I thought regal naming is more befitting our feathered companions. I am glad you like "steely". (Haven't learned to quote more than once in the same post yet

I am so glad you had that colour chick. We have 3 of them and their spotty coat is really interesting. It is great to see how they turn out. "Barred Rosetta"; clearly after the Rosetta Stone. Thank-you!

The second one down is the lavender. The photo is not picking up the colour. She/he is the most unusual colour and stands at least an inch taller than the others. I cannot wait to see how it turns out.
I'm very interested in how your colossal eggs turn out :D and the lavender is an inch taller than the rest? That's like NBA player height in the quail world, ha!
I'm very interested in how your colossal eggs turn out :D and the lavender is an inch taller than the rest? That's like NBA player height in the quail world, ha!

It is funny when you talk about her as she gets even taller. I took this pick which is a great example.

Standing next to a good sized one

In my daughters hand. She is almost to her wrist

Our smallest by comparison.

I am getting to bed early tonight. Don't temp me with more replies
Haha! Oh wow yeah! Your daughter is a good quail wrangler
pretty soon she's going to need two hands for Lavender hehe. Do they have a name and do you have a guess at the sex? :)

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