Odd colored d'uccle

This is my white/silver one that hatched. I'm already in love
with this one.

Here is the Mille Fluer colored one.

And last but not least the black one that completed the amazing trio.

What do you guys think? They are only a week old so I have no idea if they are hen or rooster. I would love some feedback.

Here is a pic of their mom and dad

I am real sure no one else got into my "feather foot pen". It has electric fence around it and guarded by my blue healer pup. Lol. I only have one other rooster and he is in a different pen with10 of his own ladies.

As far as mutations... couldnt it be that i just got lucky on a recessive gene or something? Or that I have a rooster hen combination that is producing this awesomeness?

I am interested to see what comes of the next batch of eggs in my incubator. I have 21 more of those same eggs in their right now. Due to hatch in a couple more weeks.
I always like to believe in mutations causing awesomeness. Everyone kept telling me I couldn't have a dun gene, but it got into my gene pool somehow. The same with my paint gene. Someone keeps throwing these cool little chicks with black spots on their white chick down, but I couldn't be sure who is doing it. I have a guess...
Congrats on the cool chicks. Keep us updated!
I always like to believe in mutations causing awesomeness. Everyone kept telling me I couldn't have a dun gene, but it got into my gene pool somehow. The same with my paint gene. Someone keeps throwing these cool little chicks with black spots on their white chick down, but I couldn't be sure who is doing it. I have a guess...
Congrats on the cool chicks. Keep us updated!
Unexplainable awsomeness happens in nature all the time, why not in our coups? I agree with you, the genes got in there somehow or there wouldn't be the color differences. This is so much fun!!!!
hi i would like to post pics here for some opinions please had a recent colour issue here i am thinking the porcelain hen i purchased has a mille in her breeding most of my chicks hatch yellow or all black or they have tuxedo as i call them lol my mottles two have hatched stripey brown they are definately pure my cages are impentratible for fox reasons so there is no chance other breed roo could be involved. i dont handle milles they just too hard to get to SQ i have never seen a mille hatchling til earlier this week when these two hatched and i would like somebody who has bred milles to confirm my suspicions please the roo and other hen in the pen are from a very good breeder the suspect hen was purchased at auction in a group with two black mottles i only just put her in the pen a month ago after 3months of quarantine. i will post pics
Sorry. Its taken me forever to get back to this site. I finally am buttoned down for the winter. Here is a picture of the "odd colored Duccle". He is the real dark colored Rooster on the ground to the right side of the picture. As soon as his feathers started coming in he quickly turned more black than anything, and then color started to show through and he is now very beautiful. I also have one hen that was this odd color as well and she has a little darker colored tint to her compared to the rest of my hens. I dont reallyhave any good pictures to show of her. I will have to get one to post. I also noticed that the odd colored rooster is a bit different in color compared to his dad who is the stud on the top of the box in the picture.

Sorry. Its taken me forever to get back to this site. I finally am buttoned down for the winter. Here is a picture of the "odd colored Duccle". He is the real dark colored Rooster on the ground to the right side of the picture. As soon as his feathers started coming in he quickly turned more black than anything, and then color started to show through and he is now very beautiful. I also have one hen that was this odd color as well and she has a little darker colored tint to her compared to the rest of my hens. I dont reallyhave any good pictures to show of her. I will have to get one to post. I also noticed that the odd colored rooster is a bit different in color compared to his dad who is the stud on the top of the box in the picture.

The hen appears to be a Mille Fleur without the white. THe rooster is beautiful showing very little white. Form the looks of the others on the box they appear to not have much white for a Mille Fleur either but more thyan the other two.
Please don't take this as criticism, because I really think they are pretty and different.
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