Odd Question - should I bring my bantam roo indoors - pic added

My buff cochin banty gets picked on by all the big gals but currently shes gone broody and sitting in their favorite nest box! Hubby wont let me bring her in!
You guy all make me feel so normal when I bring my chickens inside!
I mean if people can have parrots and the such, why not a chicken?
I have pet finches and canaries too so I frequent a birdie message board and all the parrot people are thinking the same thing....
They hear how lovely (many) chickens are and how sweet. Of course, having one of my "thunderbum" Orpingtons inside just wouldn't do... those ladies are a little clumsy!
Believe me, if I had a turkey diaper for her she probably would! She is the friendliest turkey I've ever had, and the funny thing is, she picked me when I went to look at poults. I never gave her extra attention when she was little, but she always wanted me to pet her and carry her around....... cute when she was little, backbreaking now that she's big, LOL. Everyone that visits ends up holding her and carrying her around.... she doesn't take NO as an answer.....

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