Ode to Old Hens... Pictures of the Seniors in Our Flock

So sorry for your loss, @speckledhen. You were blessed to have her for so long. She was a beautiful girl!
Thanks, Trish. She was a mean old heffalump sometimes, but I rather admired her stinginess with food, even when she was half blind she was selfish about her food in her later years. I know she'd lost some weight-those big hens are just an arm-load and I think she was my second heaviest ever. I even checked her body over for lice/mites, just to be sure that was not a factor and as usual, she was clean. She just died of old age, I guess, but on her feet and bossing everyone, which I love. That's the way to go for a chicken.

I feel like you should turn this into a book: Diary of an Old Hen or something. There are so many chicken crazy people out there it'd probably be a best seller. Not only would it be entertaining but informative as well.
Haha, I'm not sure, maybe she'll get a chapter in the book I'm already working on. ;)

really like the title "Diary of an Old Hen" you really should write it, add pictures, sure it would sell. Hey, I would buy it.
Maybe my older son could illustrate it-he's a whiz with pencil drawings.
This is our Gypsy, a black Ameraucana from show stock. She is currently our second oldest hen. The oldest is now Amanda after the death of Caroline and her sister Becca. Amanda is 10 1/2, unable to really walk due to crippling arthritis, but Gypsy, well, she may limp occasionally after sitting for awhile, but she is fairly spry. She was the best friend of our late, crippled rooster Zane, loved to get in his cage with him, lay her lovely blue egg beside him, share his food and just be great company for him until he passed away a few years ago. Gypsy is my heart.
And her age? You'd never guess it by looking at that stellar feather quality and her bright eyes. This beautiful old lady will turn 10 years old next month! @seminolewind check out Valerie's sister! Still kicking!
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For those folks who doubt that old hens can still lay, check out the two eggs I just brought inside. They are labeled. The one on the right came from my oldest hen, Amanda, who is still kicking at 10 yrs 8 mos old and cannot walk. This is her 2nd egg in three days! Amanda the Wonder Hen! She will be 11 years old in March.

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