Office Work.......

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It means you apparently were not treated as such as an infant and thusly were dropped on your head repeatedly. Now you have to ask.

But he won't "trim" us? i feel shirked.

FYI - initially I typed "tim"....I'm having a freudian day
So, since for the entertainment value, I ordered the Egg-bot. Spirograph for eggs.

But now I need chickens who lay white eggs. What's a good option other than Leghorns, because those have constantly been the dumbest birds I've met next to the EEs.
It was interesting, he had so much stuff glued onto it, it really looked like it had a rash.

Who has time to DO that? Seriously? Doesn't that qualify as mobile hoarding?

Don't p*** of the OW biotches!
He would have had to write a script, and apply it to the forum as a whole. Which is probably why he cant trim this one down, specifically.
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