Ended Official 2020 BYC Halloween Hatch-Along

I may have to just for that emoji.

I don't know, Im on the fence. Ducks are SO DIRTY. I've always given them away when I hatch them. But now I am wondering.... are there less flies if I hatch them for Halloween? IS THIS THE PERFECT PLAN? AM I GETTING DUCKS?!
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Ducklings are so cute though!! I SUPPOSE you could hatch chicks, lol. There's always Black Copper Marans!
I may have to just for that emoji.

I don't know, Im on the fence. Ducks are SO DIRTY. I've always given them away when I hatch them. But now I am wondering.... are there less flies if I hatch them for Halloween? IS THIS THE PERFECT PLAN? AM I GETTING DUCKS?!
View attachment 2330606
...psst.... Muscovies! They come in black and are not as messy as ducks who need to have water to be healthy.
Oh it's awful. I miss keeping chickens so much! There's a guy up the road that keeps an assortment of standard layers (red stars, comets, etc... breeds I am not interested in keeping,) but I've been tempted to stop by and see if he might let me have a few to ease my chicken withdrawals. :barnie I am going to start back up in the spring and hatch.
Do it.
Okay.... I have to hatch SOMETHING. I have some Whiting True Blues coming in the mail the week of the HAL, so, may as well add some babies to the brooder, right? But now I'm tempted to hatch some black ducks. I mean, it is Halloween, right? DECISIONS!
I have a solution: hatch BOTH. :D

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