Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—Standard-Bred Chicken Show



Mar 19, 2021
My Coop
My Coop


This division in the 2022 BYC Summer Fair is for chickens bred to the Standard of Perfection. Entries WILL be judged according to the basic principles of the Standard; e.g. quality of feather, clarity of colour, balance of shape, correctness of comb, and how well they represent their breed. Before you enter, please ensure that your bird has been accepted by the APA or ABA and is of a discrete variety—not a mixed colour.

If entries warrant we will have several categories:

  • Bantam Hen
  • BantamRooster
  • Large Fowl Hen
  • Large Fowl Rooster
  • Grand Champion
Enter this show by posting images in this thread. Clear, focused images with the bird in a good pose is best—we recommend at least one clear side profile, along with some closeups, such as the bird held with its wings spread or an image from the front to show leg stance. We ask that you limit the number of pictures per entry to five to make things easier on our judges.

The Standard-Bred Chicken Show is a judged photo contest.


  1. Open to all APA or ABA recognized bantams and large fowl.
  2. 4 entries per member. An entry is 1-5 images of your chicken.
  3. Include one photo that shows the entire left or right side of the bird (head, beak, feet, and tail).
  4. In your entry, please include the breed, color, & sex of your chicken.
  5. You cannot use a photo that won an award in any other BYC-sponsored contest.
  6. The picture needs to have been taken by you.
  7. Basic editing such as cropping and other subtle changes are allowed.
  8. Images that have been resized might be disqualified if they are too small to judge.
  9. No screenshots, watermarks, date stamps, text, etc. on the picture.
  10. High-quality images are recommended.
  11. ALL pictures MUST be uploaded to BYC and not hosted on other image sites, personal websites, etc.
  12. Prizes are limited to one per person per contest.
  13. Open to all BYC members.
  14. All BYC rules apply: Terms of Service (Rules)
  15. Entries will be accepted until August 21st at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.
First$50 BYC Store Gift Certificate or a 1-year PFM ($60 value) for yourself or a friend.
Second$30 BYC Store Gift Certificate or a 6-month PFM ($35 value) for yourself or a friend.
Third $15 BYC Store Gift Certificate or a 3-month PFM ($20 value) for yourself or a friend.
Fourth1-month PFM
BYC Store Gift Certificates are available to winners that reside in the United States. If the winners are outside of the United States they will be awarded the PFM instead.

Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair Contest Series
Click on the pictures or links below to view the other contests!

2_other poultry.png
3_meat birds.png
5_Equine Show Ring .jpg
6_Farm Machinery Show.jpg
7_baked goods.png
8_Fair Food Contest.png
9_canning and preserving.png
10_outdoor garden.png
11_Indoor Plant Show.jpg
12_Favorite Fair Memories.png
13_Artwork Contest.jpg
14_Handcrafts Contest.jpg
Count the Founding Father's Candies.png
15_BYC & Sister Sites Trivia Challenge.jpg
Fair Bingo.png

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