Ended Official BYC Contest - Post your best (worst) chicken molt pics!

Oh my goodness! I am new at chickens. Didn't know they look that bad when they molt.

I have a Muscovy drake who is molting but he doesn't look anything like that. lol

When I first noticed him, I thought one of my goats were pulling out his feathers... duh then it dawned on me that he was molting.
This is our normally beautiful Grace last year. It was an awful molt and seemed to last forever! Poor girl, she was so miserable. And grumpy -- I mean, grumpy is kind of her default setting but she was noticably extra cranky! :oops: But who can blamed her?

So far no one is molting yet this year. Except me. I think I may be. :confused:


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Chickens Are Molting - We Want Your Pics!

It's that time of year again where our birds start their metamorphosis into... well, okay, they don't turn into anything, but it sure is interesting to see them go through their molting process and leaving feathers all over the place!

For more information on your flock's annual molt, see here:

The contest is simple: Post pictures of your birds in the worst part of their molt. Once we're past the molting season our esteemed panel of judges will pick a loser... er... winner!

We will have two categories:

"Frizzle" and "All Other Breeds" (on account of Frizzles having some pretty bad molting genes and winning this contest for a few years). Please state which category you are entering when posting your pics!


There will be two winners per category, the first place winners will receive a $50 gift certificate to the BYC Store and the second place winners will each receive a free 6 month Premium Feather Membership for themselves or a friend.

The rules are simple too:

  1. Must be your chicken
  2. Must be a picture taken THIS YEAR, so probably within the last few weeks and over the next couple months (depending on your climate, birds, etc.)
  3. Must say which category you're entering in

Good luck to you and your ugly... er.. molting chickens!

Here is the winner of our previous contest, entered by RabbitGirl

Is it limited to just chickens or can ducks be entered too? I have a Cayuga that always molts hard, poor thing.
This is our normally beautiful Grace last year. It was an awful molt and seemed to last forever! Poor girl, she was so miserable. And grumpy -- I mean, grumpy is kind of her default setting but she was noticably extra cranky! :oops: But who can blamed her?

So far no one is molting yet this year. Except me. I think I may be. :confused:
Poor Girl!
Lol non of my chickens are molting but one of my pigeons has gone bald poor boy and the others just drop feathers every time they move XD my loft looks like there was a murder !

That is what my son thought happened two days ago when he looked into the coop. Enough feathers to make a piilow from 4 chickens molting at the same time
For the molting contest "all other breeds" this is Chippy, our brown leghorn gal molting! She's hanging onto the one little tail feather! Hahaha
She's also super grumpy right now from her molt, and not talking to the other birds View attachment 1539969

Poor little Chippy, she does look kind of cute with that one little tail feather!

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