Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest—Thanksgiving Side Dishes Photo Contest!

Pies of Thanksgiving past. I always do 3 pumpkin, a chocolate/pecan, and an apple or a peach depending on what’s in the house.
If you’ve never made your own cranberries, they are super easy & quick to make.

They taste way better than the can & they make satisfying little pops as they start to cook down. It’s my favorite part of the meal prep.

I like to use pineapple juice instead of water or OJ. The pineapple juice gives them a little extra ping that really takes the flavor up a notch.

Another tradition here is spicy sweet potatoes. I know everybody likes the sweet candied dish with the marshmallows, but sweet potatoes & hot sauce compliment each other surprisingly well.

Roast your sweet potatoes in the oven like a baked potato. Line your pan because they make a sticky, gooey mess as they cook.

Scoop out the soft, cooked inside & mash with milk, dried garlic, black pepper & a few dashes of hot sauce. I like using sriracha for this because it’s also a little sweet.
The day is almost here! Thank goodness, one of the judges managed to slip a nail file into the cell. They're all free from their cuffs now and working on the bars, screaming about how hungry they are. I may have to get the firehose out and back them all down.

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