Official BYC Poll: Time for the Vet?

How likely are you to take a bird to a vet?

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Agreed. And it may not even be a matter of can't or won't afford...

In my case, it's simply a matter of my husbandry method. I'm faced with culling Jack, my avatar roo this weekend. Not because he's sick, but b/c he is no longer hitting the mark when he breeds the hens, and he's becoming rough on them. He's a wonderful roo, but... for the good of my flock, it's time for him to go. He's been with me for 4 years, and I've put this off as long as I can justify.
Yeah, we just put one down that - in a backyard where he could have been a pet - probably would have lived a long DH is famously quoted, whenever I have a tough flock management decision to make, "Animal Husbandry 101, Kathy, Animal Husbandry 101" ( to which I may or may not have snarkily replied, "I was a theatre major...I never took it!" )
Agreed. And it may not even be a matter of can't or won't afford...

In my case, it's simply a matter of my husbandry method. I'm faced with culling Jack, my avatar roo this weekend. Not because he's sick, but b/c he is no longer hitting the mark when he breeds the hens, and he's becoming rough on them. He's a wonderful roo, but... for the good of my flock, it's time for him to go. He's been with me for 4 years, and I've put this off as long as I can justify.

Sorry about Jack, LG. He's a beautiful bird.

I'm not sure what culling your healthy rooster has to do with the vet poll... or should I add "euthanasia only" to the list?
When Eleanor my Cornish cross pullet that I saved from slaughter was pecked real bad I wanted to take her to a vet, but my family was tight on cash. I would have paid for her treatment out of pocket but my dad looked up what to do and was directed to BYC. With the advice I found online she made a full recovery without vet treatment. I don’t have the heart to euthanize a bird at home so I would go to the vet to have a chicken put down.
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ArE you saying chicken folks get off topic?? "Hawk!!!" :)

Actually, I was asking if she intended to suggest that as a choice.

Last option has been updated to remove "it's just a chicken". If anyone would like to change their vote, changing is enabled"
I usually call the vet out for serious illness the first time. I called the vet out for my rooster who was hanging his head and tipping over, and I called the vet for canker. If those were to ever happen again I know how to care for it and wouldn’t call her back out. I do text her pictures sometimes if it’s not too serious but I’m unsure how to handle it. I am so grateful that I live in an area where the vets near me treat chickens!

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