Official BYC Poll: What type of COOP bedding do you like best?

Which type of COOP bedding do you like best?

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I am in s Fla. So maybe your grass clippings are different then what I have. I have to mow late in the day so the grass shrivels up before they have much access to it. It has caused impacted crops for us. Our grass blades are long and wide. Say 3/8ths x 2.5" on the small size. I just wanted to give you a heads up so you know.
I just cut a large patch of my land with a weed eater, which mows pretty much like a hay cutter, then gathered up the felled grass and weeds and threw them in the coop. The kids went wild, finding grasshoppers, seeds, flowers you name it. They also like laying in it, and scratching around in it. However, my coop is dirt. They are getting plenty of grit along with anything else they gather up. Danged this is fun!


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It is Starbucks corporate policy to give the coffee grounds away. It saves them a lot of money in disposal costs. All Starbucks give their coffee grounds away.

Oh I see the bins for free grounds, I just never see anything in them. They're quite popular for gardeners so I know people like to grab them when they see them.
For me they’re great. I used to use sand in the coop, but hated the dust. Grounds have no dust and I like the smell. It just smells like coffee, not a poop/coffee combo. I scoop every morning and grounds makes it easy.
Now I’m getting the purpose but I doubt I could find them here. We have one individual Starbucks and then one inside our Barnes and Noble store in our mall. We are the birthplace of the King - Elvis that is and the honey bee capital of the world but other than that we are pretty lame on resources and getting them in and out.

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