Ended Official BYC Valentine Puns Contest Series - Don't Chicken Out Photo Contest

Not an entry, just for fun!

This is Mango, my daughter's Sun Conure. He LOVES attention and prefers to spend his entire day flying from one person's shoulder to the other. lol

Entry #1

This is my budgie, Marshmallow! I've had him for a little over 1 month now.
He was scared of people when I first got him, but he is getting so much more trusting every day. We have the "step-up" command nearly mastered now.
He loves to sit on a swing that I have in the cage, and chirp all day long. His little sounds are so cute, I absolutely love listening to them.
He also really loves his cage mate, Sprite. He likes to preen her, and play lots of games with her, which usually makes a big mess!

Entry #2

This is my budgie, Sprite! I have had her for a little over a month.
Like Marshmallow, Sprite was not tame when I got her. But, she has gotten so much more confident, and she recently let me pet her for the first time.
Sprite can be quite bossy towards Marshmallow. If he doesn't do what she tells him too, then they argue. But, the fights never last long, and soon they are back to preening and cuddling with each other.
Sprite is my little wild girl. She loves to play, and she gets quite crazy at times. She is constantly climbing on things, or chewing on her toys.
When she's not playing, then she is eating her vegetables (which she loves) or begging for millet!


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