Official Contest: Worst Chicken Molt Pictures - Winner!

My poor WCBP is tail less and crestless!!!
Almost 2 yrs old,
Hercules, he is named after my first rooster who was rather motley.. he was named after my mom's second husband who was also rather Motley looking!!

not cute at all , haha. I have a hen molting, she's with a brood right now. she looks ill. haha. she's about 17 months old.

I also have feathers galore in the other coop, could stuff a pillow. Do we have to go through this 'ugliness' every year? LOL
Nice pics everyone! I have an araucana hen who seems to feel pain when molting. She isolates herself from everyone and everything and has a generally uncomfortable look about her. She was hand raised and is normally a very friendly peep. When she molts she will scream if she thinks you will try and touch her. She doesn't look too bad yet from loss of plumage but her face is very pale. Pics when she really quills out and others if they do. It's early yet!
my blue EE hen looks hideous right now. She looks like she could explode at any moment. He feathers look like, if the wind was too blow really hard she' d be completely bald. She's all scruffy looking with a fat bald butt , with dark blue quills sticking out, DOH. poor thing, she is so ugly right now. haha. Good thing chickens don't get embareASSed. oops. LOL.
got to love this moulting thing. NOT>
Avert your gaze from the molting frizzled sumatra

Villagers grab torches when they see her coming
Grown men have been known to run screaming in terror
Mothers shield their children and cry out dear lord what is that THING!!!!!!!!!!!

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