Official Pagan Thread!

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Folks it's not too much to ask. We require those that are vegan and have only pet chickens to stay out of the meat bird section. If your beliefs are not in line with the content of this or any other thread just find somewhere else to post. This is not the thread for you.
The moderators are great and I am sending them all a cyberhug! You have a difficult job to do and I appreciate you all.
Are there any special foods eaten on Feb1/2? I love to cook so I wouldn't mind hearing about some traditional foods.

I found this that struck me as interesting.

Celtic Dog Symbolism
Cù is usually pictured as a hound and represents loyalty, faithfulness, companionship, trust, protection, vigilance, guidance and courage and skill in the hunt.

Druids believed Cù was the Guardian of the Mysteries and led people through the dark waters of the subconscious into light. He offers blind love and obedience, symbolizes sun, wind and fire and is believed to share the after-life with humans. Cù was considered to be good luck and an omen of good health.

The Dog as an AmerIndian Symbol

This canine is considered humanity’s servant because he symbolizes loyalty, nobility, faithfulness, protection guidance and teaching. The dog guarded tribes’ homes against attacks. He embodies the qualities of gentleness and protection

I love dogs.
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Deb1 I have never really found any food specifiaclly for Imbolc but I do know it would be towards the end of the winter so food stores would have been low leaving mostly breads, grains and cold hardy veggies.. Heres a lil bit I found on found for Imbolc

Food and drink: all dairy products, breads, cakes, scones, muffins, raisins, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, greens, bell peppers, onions, garlic, herbal teas, ale, mead and spiced wines.

Read more at Suite101: Imbolc Traditions, Symbolism and Lore: Pagan Fire Festival Celebrates Renewal and Growth

Here is another link for you.. Maybe you can start a new tradition at your home..

Oh BTW I am the Year of The Dog in chinese atrology.. I am loyal to the death...
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Sorry, I linked to the same sites that Coopcrazy did. I was looking for information on Imbolc myself.
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My hubby is Catholic and is pleased at how some Catholic holidays correspond with Pagan ones. My looking into Imbolc is leading us into traditions that compliment his faith also. Among Catholics, this was candlemas. It was also the day that Mary was purified after giving birth and when Jesus was presented in the temple. One of the ways listed to celebrate is to eat pancakes or crepes. So for those in mixed families, you can celebrate two traditions at once!

I read an Imbolc recipe involving milk. You heat the milk, add a little honey, pour it in the glass and top the mixture with cinnamon. My girls are drinking that now. It is actually very yummy.
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