Official Pagan Thread!

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CoyoteMagic, thank you for the poem.
It was beautiful and I think, like Debiraymond pointed out , it fits everyone.

My goodness, I am up late tonight. I need to go to bed.
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Good morning and merry meet, all! I am a solitary eclectic wiccan, married to the same. We don't follow a particular path, just use what works. As far as my spiritual upbringing, I have been Baptist, Non-Denom Christian, Catholic, and now Wiccan. I felt the most connection (as far as Christian religion goes) with Catholic, especially with the idea of ritual. However, after I finally started questioning things, which also happened to be around the time that the RC churches here in USA had the rampant reports of scandal, I moved away from it and checked out different churches. I knew a gal in college (first college attended) who was Wiccan, but at that time, I had the misconceptions about the religion, so I just chalked her up as a loony...but she was a great friend! However, she did get me curious about it, so I checked it out (years later) and found that it made much more sense to me and "felt" right. I also met DW, but through a military chat room, not wiccan or religious related.
As far as the clairvoyant empath question from (?) pages..ago, that is one thing that really bothers me. DW has her magickal tools, a whole box of stones/crystals....and has mentioned that she picked these things when the "called" to her. I've never felt anything like that...but I think my mind is just closed.
You know in the movie, Sixth Sense, when the lady witch friend says a spell for umm...was it Bruce Willis? I can't remember. But the long and short of it is that she said a simple spell for him to have a more open mind....I kinda wish I could do that...have a more open mind. I would love to be able to "feel" the power in an object. I believe that they all do have that power...but for some reason, I'm just not in tune. I've considered going to a reiki healer...maybe I'll think more on that and find one in the area.
Coincidentally, my eldest son's case worker (DS is autistic) is wiccan! How cool?! DW's found a new friend....but we have to be careful with it b/c of the confidentiality agreements surrounding case workers/behavior specialists.
OK...I've got to get some coffee and get ready for BIO class...and get kids ready for school! Have a great day, everyone!!
We took my two youngest daughters to the doctor yesterday. My little one had a rash on her face that I felt was an indicator that she had strep again and my older daughter had a gland that was so swollen she could barely talk or move her head. Yep, they both had strep so today we have to take the other three kids in to be tested for strep which I'm certain will be positive. I'm still not mobile after my surgery and now FIVE kids with strep? Please light a candle for me. Man, could I use some gettin' better energy. LOL!
Thank you for all of the answers, that was great! I think it helped explain it all to me. I have always been disturbed by the constant fighting and bickering that some Christians seem to think 'goes with the territory'. Jesus wasn't like that, and it constantly amazes me that people think they are the only one's that are right, even down to the interpratation of a single verse. I really admire how you all seem to respect each other's beliefs.
Hello PTG! Like you, I spent a lot of time exploring different Churches. And like you I was drawn to the Catholic Church because of the rituals and presence of Mary. There is still a lot about the actual theology of the Catholic Church that I find admirable, but I have some private differences with Christianity as a whole that I can't deny.

I asked my hubby what was wrong with me. Why couldn't I simply accept like all my friends did? He is very devout, so I had anticipiated that he would be alarmed that I can't call myself a Christian anymore. Instead, he told me that I was a seeker and that I took what I needed from a belief system before I moved on. I think that what he said was true. It also made me feel good that he is so open minded.
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I have read about keeping a Book Of Shadows or Grimore(spelling?) Do any of you keep one? What do you put in it?
Did someone mention good books? I just finished reading "The Millenium Series" by Stieg Larsson. . . first book is "The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo, second is "The girl who played with fire" and the third is "The girl who kicked the Hornets nest" These mystery / crime novels, focusing on abuse of women are newly released by the late Swedish author, and are absolutly compelling. Warning. . . there is plenty of graphic material describing crimes against women, but if you like crime / mystery stuff, they are highly recommended.
I feel very much the same way. I've always been drawn to what I think of as more nature based "religions".

I work at a retirement community that is run by the American Baptist Association, we are a community that embrasses all faiths, and or lack of. . . and we have a wonderful minister who is appalled that (so called) Christians can be as intolerant as they sometimes are. Being a non-christian myself, it is comforting to know that people like that exist in the world.
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