Official Pagan Thread!

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I have to agree with you on that.. Why is there this incessant need to convert??? I fully beleive in allowing my children to experience all beleifs and when they are old enough to decide for themselves, let them do so..
That's what we're doing too. One of my daughters is Native American so we've been exploring some of the Native beliefs together. Oddly, I think my youngest daughter, who is not Native is most drawn to that belief system so far. They ALL loved Buddhism too...but what's not to like?
If a Pagan family took children from New Orleans after the hurricane, without following the proper channels and sent those children off to another nation so that they could be raised by good Pagan families, most people would be rightly outraged. I don't see the the difference in the situation in Haiti.
If a Pagan family took children from New Orleans after the hurricane, without following the proper channels and sent those children off to another nation so that they could be raised by good Pagan families, most people would be rightly outraged. I don't see the the difference in the situation in Haiti.

The difference being of course that there is no such thing as a GOOD Pagan home (I know this by virtue of the fact that I've been asked so many times how I can raise children with any morals or values if I'm Pagan) while Christian homes are by definition GOOD. Of course, I know an awful lot of abused and screwed up kids who were raised.......oooooh, negativity.....GOOOOOO AWAY! Sorry, folks.

SO HOW BOUT THE WEATHER, HMMMMMM?! lol it's sunny here and about 70 degrees. Ahhh. Good ol' San Francisco bay area!

Also, I got let off the hook for Jury Duty! They had more than enogh people that had no problems missing 7 work days for the case and I told them things are tight right now, missing a full week of work would make it worst so they let me go. Woo!
Hey good deal! I would gladly do my duty and serve on a jury but they gotta figure out some way to make it feasible for your average Joe to be able to afford to serve. I've got five special needs kids and hiring someone to look after them means hiring a nurse. Are they paying enough for me to do that? Nope, don't think so. Why am I so negative today?
Lor....goes off to meditate to some good thoughts.
My neighbor got called for neighbor duty. I wonder if she will get let off.
Glad to hear you got off jury duty, Kanchii! I've not had to go, but my wife's been once...and she was subpeona'd for a trial against our neighbor where his dogs have been roaming at large and tried to go after our chickens while they were free ranging on our yard. The case was dismissed eventually, but my wife had to miss 3 days of work because it kept getting postponed! The guy didn't get off easy, though....he had 3 different trials that day that he "starred" fact, his property was foreclosed and they help a public auction, but I don't know what happened.....the rotten SOB still's living back there....letting his dogs wander still. I did see a for sale sign up, but it's for some property he has down by the lake. I wish the bank would get busy and kick him out! It's not like he has nowhere to go....he's got family in the area! OH well....

On a sad note....I'm being forced, so to speak, to quit my job at the Post Office. I haven't given a letter in, but my postmaster is trying to force me to work on a route that I'm not the sub for....but she says she has no one else, (like every time) and that I'm trained on the route, though it's not my regular sucks being a sub! I'd stay and fight, but there's no'll be at least 9 more years til either of the carriers reaches retirement....that's why I'm going to school. That's the whole situation with Monday, by the way....I have college class on Monday, and in fact, we have an exam....and she's trying to force me to work. She's been doing this more and more lately...I missed one class last Thursday b/c I had to work R1.....but fortunately, that class is an ITV course, so I was able to watch it later. I've been bending over backwards, trying to help out b/c the R1 carrier was out on medical all last week, and now she's on light duty...but she's got a doc appt Monday. I've been neglecting my studies enough...I don't want to fall behind! Biology class and lab....altogether it's 1000 bucks for tuition, books, and lab fees!
Oh I'll have Saturdays free!


P.S. The weather here is bright and sunny! However, it's also 25 degrees out! BRR!
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Wow. That is amazing. Erzulie Dantor fascinates me because she is so tough and protective. It sounds too, that vodoo is more accepting of homosexuals because Erzulie Dantor is also supposed to protect lesbians.

Voodoo in itself is a very positive belief system .. A lot of the Dark tendencies spring from slavery and oppression.. I actually had the honor of working with a HooDoo practioner for a while and was very pleasently suprised to see how kind they are..

What is the difference between Hoodoo and Voodoo?
I wasn't expecting to find a thread like this here, but I am glad to! I will have to come back and get to know ya'all later, I am at work on my lunch break right now. I do have time for a bit of background on me, in case you're interested. I will try to keep it short.
I was raised in a spiritual agnostic household by parents who believed there was a higher power, and were humble and openminded enough not to presume they knew what it was. They let my brother and I make up our own minds and told us often that as long as we didn't join cults, get orange mohawks, and try to sacrifice the cat that they would accept whatever lifestyle we chose. My brotehr stubbornly clings to athiesm because he can't explain and doesn't like to think about the things both of us are prone to 'seeing'. I can't blame him considering the Christian-oriented area we grew up in. Me, I moved to a hippy town in 2001 and have fallen into a group of people as diverse and wonderful as you could ask for. My room mates are a wiccan and an ex-mormon. One of my best friends at work is a self proclaimed 'recovering catholic' my extended friend group also contains a few presbyterians, an athiest, a druid, and a bunch of others like me who haven't found a set path to follow, but take to heart pieces of each religion we find and make out of it our own way of life. I am very nature oriented (I talk to trees) and I believe in the possibility of anything. I have seen many things that cannot be explained and prophetic dreams run in my family. I am part of a paranormal investigation club that my friends founded at the local university. And I am always glad to meet other openminded individuals since I truly believe that each person you meet has something to teach you and if you listen you can learn a lot, even from the most surprising sources.
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