Official Pagan Thread!

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yeah, when it comes to doing canning i would agree with using a gas stove. i used electric for years when i was at home with my parents and learning how to do it, 3 years when i lived in an apartment. when we bought our house 2 years ago the dh was grateful that there was a gas stove that came with it. i've been loving it ever since too!
please can anyone who is willing send some healing type energies or prayers for me and my unborn baby? spent most of today in hospitals, and by blood pressure s high
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Sending love , light and energy your way .If I was closer and the roads were passable I would come over and give you a nice foot rub. It always calmed me down in stress times .
thank you, all of you. I'm only 16 weeks pregnant. Baby was conceived on Samhain (hope that's not TMI) and I'm supposed to be infertile, so this is my miracle baby - there won't be another chance so it's all the more scary when things start going wrong. I'll be honest, I'm really scared by the whole thing. scary high blood pressure and protein in my wee... aaagh!

Phox01, never mind the roads - I think the atlantic crossing would be the realy hard part!
Do you meditate? Can you do some creative visualization type meditation where you see your bp coming down and visualize that little baby healthy and strong? Remember that the more afraid and worried you are the worse it's all going to get so concentrate on how perfect your health and baby are and we'll send you all the backup energy you can use.
Do you meditate? Can you do some creative visualization type meditation where you see your bp coming down and visualize that little baby healthy and strong? Remember that the more afraid and worried you are the worse it's all going to get so concentrate on how perfect your health and baby are and we'll send you all the backup energy you can use.

I try to meditate, but I have problems concentrating and/or lately I fall asleep.
there are 5 adults in this house, most of whom have no respect for anyone's privacy but their own, so getting the peace and quiet necessary is a bit difficult. (I get my fiance to block the door when I get changed to make sure the others stay out while I'm doing so! but they did take me in when I had nowhere to go, so I can't complain too much)

but I will keep trying, because a little bit is better than none at all.



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