Official Seed Exchange/swap Thread ***SIGN UP CLOSED***

Czech's_chicks :

My daughter is typing up everyone's notes on the seeds and to make the packages lighter, I can email or PM that info to you, or include it in the package - your choice.

THANK YOU to everyone who participated. This was really fun and interesting. Thank you for all the time you spent preparing everything for everyone else and time it took. I'm glad this all worked out.

No, THANK YOU, it must have been a ton of work to sort everything out and divvy things up. You can email the notes to me, I'll PM it to you.​
Czech's_chicks :

Dena is a WINNER - you get the extra packet of seeds from Carol - so you will be getting 2 of that kind. Congratulations!


Yep, found it growing wild last year...

I'll post pix of it once everyone gets their seeds.

My daughter is typing up everyone's notes on the seeds and to make the packages lighter, I can email or PM that info to you, or include it in the package - your choice.

Which ever is eastiest for you!​
I have spent the last hour and half resorting to make sure everyone got one of each (except their own). Those who had duplicate, I gave another of my own seed stash to. bag is not marked but I'll tell you right now they are pastel varieties of sweet alyssum. I know some consider this a weed, however, I find sprinkling them under fruit trees or grape vines bring lots of beneficial insects that help with pollination.

Dena, if you are missing your surprise seed in lieu of your duplicate let me know - I sealed your envelope before checking a 4th time, lol.

I apologize for the delay, but all seeds will be mailed Monday I want to weigh them to ensure there is proper postage AND today caught up with me. Twins have therapy (they still live with the abuser
), I have to pick up my daughter and grandson to take to my mom's for my reception (we've been married a month & 1/2) and my husband's bday, and then he has to follow up behind with all the other children and I am out of my own ADHD medication so they were messing with me and talking while I was resorting and now I think I am about to pull my hair out and I still need to feed my birds that I don't allow the children to do because they are either flighty or mean:th

I will PM the list to everyone. If you get your seeds, let me know and the list will be off. Please go over the list and the seeds to make sure you got everything. I am hoping someone didn't get 2 of something and someone else didn't.

OK - I'm going to take my PJ bottom and get moving or I wont be able to get anywhere on time today.

PS - Thank you all, this was so much fun and I can't wait to to get some of these seeds planted. One of these are a childhood favorite of mine. I grew up in a not-so-good environment with an abusive step father - this plant (which you will all get soon) used to be my escape. I would go out at certain times of the day just to look at the blossoms and gather seeds. It may not seem like it is special, ordinary blooms and all, but it I will treasure these seeds because I have never been able to find any since becoming an adult - it's one of the paper tubes.
brings back the little good memories I had from back then.
...and they're off!

Took everything to the post office today. Everyone was right on with the postage, but I had to go and make two of the enveloped too fat so they charged me a little more - BUT WELL WORTH IT AND NO REIMBURSEMENT REQUIRED, WANTED or NEEDED!

As soon as you get it, let me know and I will PM the seed list!! I can't wait!! YAY!!

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