Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

People on my craiglist in the pet section are having some sort of debate about rats... I think it may have started with a few people advertising rats by saying 'just in time for easter'.

Here are some of the random posts people have been posting about it! Since when was this a place to debate about rats? And why do people post 'replies' to things? Wierd. And these are only some of them!






http://dallas.craigslist.org/dal/pet/2941678292.html -

http://dallas.craigslist.org/dal/pet/2941610253.html -
I saw an ad on Craigslist today that said something along the lines of, "I got this cute bunny to teach my daycare kids how to take proper care of rabbits. Now it's time to get rid of it."

So...you're teaching them that when you get tired of caring for an animal, you just...get rid of it. And the "get rid of it" is exactly how it was worded! I was outraged!
I saw an ad on Craigslist today that said something along the lines of, "I got this cute bunny to teach my daycare kids how to take proper care of rabbits. Now it's time to get rid of it."

So...you're teaching them that when you get tired of caring for an animal, you just...get rid of it. And the "get rid of it" is exactly how it was worded! I was outraged!
no she didn't!! Thats not teaching them anything!! :mad:
A while back I responded to a local ad for call duck drakes and never heard anything. Today I get an email that says:

"I know you contacted me awhile ago - are you still interested in some call drakes?
I decided not to sell them at the time as so many weirdos enquired about them. But i do still have them if you are interested. Please let me know."

So, I am annoyed because (a) I sold my female calls last weekend because I couldn't find any males and (b) Did she just call me a weirdo?
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