Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

Who is going to pay $10/each for chicks?

Being in Big Bear, I suppose people would. Since it would cost them three times that much to drive down the mountain. Who raises poultry in Big Bear???? Their heat lamp bill must be a fortune!!!
Who is going to pay $10/each for chicks?

It's because you're not buying these generic, unknown age chicks, you're ADOPTING them!
Who is going to pay $10/each for chicks?

Being in Big Bear, I suppose people would. Since it would cost them three times that much to drive down the mountain. Who raises poultry in Big Bear???? Their heat lamp bill must be a fortune!!!

Not to mention having an uber-fortified coop and run to keep out all the predators!
Being in Big Bear, I suppose people would. Since it would cost them three times that much to drive down the mountain. Who raises poultry in Big Bear???? Their heat lamp bill must be a fortune!!!

Not to mention having an uber-fortified coop and run to keep out all the predators!

Exactly!!! Can you imagine? There are not just one or two predator threats there: bears, coyotoes, foxes, mountain lions, snakes, bald eagles (which you cannot kill or trap), hawks of all varieties, etc.
From my local CL - this is the description of these birds in its entirety.

Date: 2011-06-23, 8:45PM EDT
Reply to: [ADDRESS REDACTED]@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]

I have 11 chicks for sale, they stand about 2 inches tall. 9 are black and yellow/white, and 2 are grey and yellow/white. $2.50 each, or 5 for $10.
I want the grey yellow/white ones please.

Only if they are 1.5 inches tall.

Is it wrong that I desperately want to drive over to the poster's house with a ruler, measure the chicks, then demand a discount because they're, say, 2 1/2 inches tall and therefore not as advertised? After all, the posting is a week old - they must've grown by this point!

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