Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

I have nursed a friend's baby while sitting for her because she was in the ER with her husband after he was in an accident. That baby was ravenously hungry and I was still nursing my little guy so I was able, so I did. I wasn't going to let that baby suffer for hours on end.

You make a fabulous point, why isn't goat milk legal if human milk is? At the same time, why's it so "out of the norm" to so many of you to hear that another human would feed human milk to their human child. No doubt those of you who have or have had children feed/fed them milk from goats or cows so why not human milk? You couldn't get more species appropriate if you tried.

This is where I must clarify how I really feel.  I would nurse a baby of a friend, sibling, cousin, etc, etc, etc and would willingly allow my child to be nursed from one of them in turn should I have ever been in dire straits.  These are already people I know, trust, witness their dietary habits, lifestyle habits, and would not fear what "unknown" could be passed onto my child through their boobie milk.  This is not the issue on why I had a hard time grasping the concept.

I would be leery about buying a stranger's breastmilk on CL for these reasons:  1.) you really have no idea what you are buying...did they add formula/water/cow's milk to bulk it up? and in doing so can get more money.  2.) you have no idea how old it is, or in what nature it was stored, if at all properly. Was it frozen, sat on the shelf, is it "really" fresh within the past few days, or did it sit on the counter for a few weeks? 3.) there is no way to know in reality what that person's lifestyle does entail...they could just as easily take recreational drugs, drink, smoke, drink/eat soy, use fluoride, work/live in a polluted environment (use of harmful household cleaners), use lanolin based creams on their nipples or other toxic ointments.....point is, there is no way to regulate the sale of human breast milk because we can not control what humans do and consume.   My ultimate point is this... I personally would not trust a stranger selling breast milk on CL.   Sharing breastmilk from someone you trust is a different thing altogether.

@kuntrygirl...raw milk isn't legal here in NY either.  An amish man was sent to jail for selling one of his customers raw milk, after the customer begged and begged him for it.  Nothing happened to the customer...no sickness became of him, nothing was wrong with the milk's quality.  Word got out and this hard working man was arrested.  This sends me into a completely different tangent. :/


VERY well said. :thumbsup
But there's a lot of you that will buy raw goat or cows milk and feed to children. LOL

Is goat milk illegal to sell to feed baby goats ?

depends on the state.
in some states it's legal to sell raw milk (goat, sheep, cow) ONLY for animal consumption (for your dogs, cats, calves, goat kids and lambs). in some states you can sell for human use. in some you can sell it for human use if you're certified and inspected. in some only for non-food uses (goat's milk soap). in some it's not legal to sell it for any use.
But there's a lot of you that will buy raw goat or cows milk and feed to children. LOL

some of the same issues listed above apply... how was it handled, stored, how are the goats fed, medicated... and if you're buying raw milk for that purpose those are all things you should check out. if I were buying raw milk (instead of growing my own) I'd sure want to inspect the facilites and dairy animals myself... that's maybe a little tougher to do if the dairy animal is a person...

but the point about species cross-over on disease is a good one. the majority of things that a goat nanny might pass to her kids in the milk are things I can't catch anyway.

still, the *idea* of buying breast milk creeps me out a bit.... irrational though the reaction may be. but then the idea of being pregnant or having a child creeps me out too, so maybe I'm just not a good judge of such things.
some of the same issues listed above apply... how was it handled, stored, how are the goats fed, medicated... and if you're buying raw milk for that purpose those are all things you should check out. if I were buying raw milk (instead of growing my own) I'd sure want to inspect the facilites and dairy animals myself... that's maybe a little tougher to do if the dairy animal is a person...

but the point about species cross-over on disease is a good one. the majority of things that a goat nanny might pass to her kids in the milk are things I can't catch anyway.

still, the *idea* of buying breast milk creeps me out a bit.... irrational though the reaction may be. but then the idea of being pregnant or having a child creeps me out too, so maybe I'm just not a good judge of such things.
Creeps me out more.

some of the same issues listed above apply... how was it handled, stored, how are the goats fed, medicated... and if you're buying raw milk for that purpose those are all things you should check out. if I were buying raw milk (instead of growing my own) I'd sure want to inspect the facilites and dairy animals myself... that's maybe a little tougher to do if the dairy animal is a person...

but the point about species cross-over on disease is a good one. the majority of things that a goat nanny might pass to her kids in the milk are things I can't catch anyway.

still, the *idea* of buying breast milk creeps me out a bit.... irrational though the reaction may be. but then the idea of being pregnant or having a child creeps me out too, so maybe I'm just not a good judge of such things.
How would you inspect ? If they look healthy are they ? If you went to buy the breast milk and the person looked sick or like a crack head then it might be a good idea to pass.

This is where I must clarify how I really feel. I would nurse a baby of a friend, sibling, cousin, etc, etc, etc and would willingly allow my child to be nursed from one of them in turn should I have ever been in dire straits. These are already people I know, trust, witness their dietary habits, lifestyle habits, and would not fear what "unknown" could be passed onto my child through their boobie milk. This is not the issue on why I had a hard time grasping the concept.

I would be leery about buying a stranger's breastmilk on CL for these reasons: 1.) you really have no idea what you are buying...did they add formula/water/cow's milk to bulk it up? and in doing so can get more money. 2.) you have no idea how old it is, or in what nature it was stored, if at all properly. Was it frozen, sat on the shelf, is it "really" fresh within the past few days, or did it sit on the counter for a few weeks? 3.) there is no way to know in reality what that person's lifestyle does entail...they could just as easily take recreational drugs, drink, smoke, drink/eat soy, use fluoride, work/live in a polluted environment (use of harmful household cleaners), use lanolin based creams on their nipples or other toxic ointments.....point is, there is no way to regulate the sale of human breast milk because we can not control what humans do and consume. My ultimate point is this... I personally would not trust a stranger selling breast milk on CL. Sharing breastmilk from someone you trust is a different thing altogether.

@kuntrygirl...raw milk isn't legal here in NY either. An amish man was sent to jail for selling one of his customers raw milk, after the customer begged and begged him for it. Nothing happened to the customer...no sickness became of him, nothing was wrong with the milk's quality. Word got out and this hard working man was arrested. This sends me into a completely different tangent. :/

I don't disagree with your clearly stated POV. Your initial statement, imho, came across as less than in favor of breast feeding.

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