You are a saint!
OK...now that they're clean and I'm awake..

Some are all light, light yellow, and some are yellow with black feathers growing in. Whatever that means. Here are some pics (they all survived the night, though their stools are runny :eek:S)

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Awww, they look SO much better today!! Thank you again for doing all of this, they werent your responsibility and yet you chose to take them on! So thank you
The random black dots look very similar to me. I'd be happy to keep a few extra layers to replace a few roos in our existing flock.
I wonder if you called IDEAL if they would tell you with out telling you WHO ordered them, if they have had any orders of those in your area? You can explain what happened and that you are trying to ID the breed.
Good on you and yours for taking them in. It would be wonderful if you got some new layers and roosters for your flock. Of course we all know what can be done with too many roosters if you're into eating meat. *HUGS* Shame on whoever dumped them. There enough folks around that will take a free chick that they didn't need to do that or make them live in filth.
: Angelique
Great job with the rescue and clean-up of the chicks. Karma will reward you 10-Fold. It never ceases to amaze me at how cruel some folks can be. This is just a fine example why me and the DW will not sell chicks for Easter or birthday presents for children unless we know the people and they know what they are getting their self into. I'm not saying that this was the case with these birds, but you never know.

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