Oh, no! Where are they hiding?!?! Added pics, pg 2 Holy cow! Pg 4

So glad you found yours! I have a polish mixed with bantam roo, and he went missinf this afternoon. I spent 3 hours searching for him. I live out in the country, woods surround my house, we have a big pasture, and some fenced in goats and two dogs. My dad lives below me and has 3 dogs, not fenced in, but they stay down there for the most part. I'm really worried about my roo. I found no feathers or blood, but its not like him to run off like this. I hope he shows back up in the morning. Any ideas where he might be hiding for me to look tomorrow? On the brightside, while looking I found a nest my hens started with ay least 2 dozen eggs in it.:)

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