Oh No!!!!! Wolf Rat on the loose!

None I'm aware of that are safe. I have seen some videos where folks rigged up high voltage, live wire AC lines........but it looked like a good way to burn the house down to me.

Even as hot as my fence runs, I doubt it would kill a rat, since it is a short millisecond burst....like a spark of static electricity. Painful, but not deadly.

There are also those who believe animals trained to a fence can detect when the fence is on. Either by sensing static electricity in the air or perhaps the sound of the audible click the fencer gives off when it discharges transmits down the wire......like a soup can telephone. Animals not trained to a fence and unaware of the potential for a shock have not yet learned to associate whatever signal the fence gives off to the shock, but once exposed to such a fence for a long period of time......animals like horses........ some say they can. But if any animal could sense that, it would probably be a rat.
Well I'm happy to say that we have had no more problems with these pests! My ducklings and baby chicks have been a whole lot more settled down since the rats are gone. And growing way too fast! It seems the large traps we used worked great with just a dab of peanut butter for bait. Around here the mice and apparently rats too love the stuff. Just happy the ordeal is over. We did trap one little mouse about two weeks ago.... Considering we live surrounded by fields I can accept the occasional field mouse.

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