Oh No!!!

A couple months ago, I found a dead chick next to the mom, but I was fairly certain she hadn't killed it. It could be something was wrong and it died under her and she pushed it out. She went on to hatch out the other eggs under her and was a terrific mom. Once my eggs pip, they can take a while (several hours) or just a few hours. I don't believe the eggs can hatch without a source to keep them warm. If you choose to remove the chicks to a brooder, you may have to do it as soon as they hatch. Hope the rest of your chicks make it okay.
I had my very spoiled BCM go broody under a year old, as a mater of fact she had only laid about a total of 12 eggs when she went broody, mind you she really had never been around other chickens except for her huge BF, Well out of 5 eggs she laid she hatched 3 out. At first she was mean and nasty to them pecking the top of there heads when they came near her and the feeder. Now 2 wks later she is the best momma. Shes out in her own little coop and takes the babies out and teaches them. If another chicken comes near WATCH OUT shes not very nice, just watch her, you will be amazed at how easy it is to raise chicks this way. I haven't used my incubator since feb. Broodiness is the way to go.
What breed is she? I heard that Ameracauna hens are prone to killing their newly hatched chicks. My moms ameracauna hen killed hers before my mom realized that she was the one killing them. When my mom was a kid she made an incubator out of an old aquarium and a light bulb. If you find that she is killing them maybe you could put something together that would keep them warm enough to hatch.

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