OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Well the coop has a roof. I am waiting to get stumps removed so it can be placed by the first coop. Now if only the rain would stop.
:woot that is awesome. I wish it would quit raining too!
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Autumnhearth; I know I can't take the actual birds. Minihorse927 was right; I'm not allowed to bring my birds because of the avian influenza, so instead I have to take a picture of the entire bird, a pic of the head alone, and a pic of the feet I each bird. I also have to put together a poster on different chicken diseases, in place of bringing the live birds
Thank you Minihorse and Toni the idea of living in one would be possible. the guys talked it over the other night. our son asked to build one more for him to live in behind our house, but that was vetoed due to the trees we would have to clean out. Tiny house nation would love the cabin.I hope to get it moved of it dries up outside, the stump grinder has been here done it's job and gone. Woooooooooooo hoooooooo!!
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Hi Abesinger. Welcome!
Cute story-
My daughter wanted a hemit crab. We started with 2, but one died(my hubby told me about finding the body). So I had to get another. We soon found 3 crabs in the aquarium. I told the idiots,oops- I mean my loving family, that one of the crabs molted, it wasnt dead. Great, more work for me. Both my girls have been spending days at a time at sleep overs. My oldest had told me for months to sell the crabs. She was done racing them and did not want to take care of them any longer. Her youngest sister did pick up the slack, but they were no longer playing with the critters. So I found them a home(with another Ohio BTC member, Thanks!).

Now, oldest daughter was the one who got the crabs, aquarium, food and shells and gave them to the young boy who wanted them.

So youngest is spending the night at her uncles house. The oldest decides she wants to as well, and mom sees a chance for a nice peaceful day. Off she goes. Right before bed, I get this call from my youngest, having a hissy fit. She wanted to keep Crabby, she loved him, it wasnt fair etc. etc.(she is a drama queen and the family princess/diva). So, I told her we would go out and pick her out her very own pet. Just hers and she will not have to share. The rainbows and giggles come out. All is well in her 8 yr old little world. So last night she comes home and wants to look at chickens. She finds one that sounds ideal to here, liking children is one of the birds descriptors. Now, you'd think with all the trips I've made to Meyers in the past month, and the 100+ birds I have, I would have gotten one of the breed she chose??? Nope!

So now I am making ANOTHER trip this Monday or Tuesday with her, to get her a CHICKEN! And here is the kicker- hubby decided to let her raise it in the house. She has to keep it in a box/cage of its own, its has to be taken outside for exercise, but its her indoor pet! Did I mention my oldest has a pet Cochin? IT lives in her room and hubby let it go camping with us in the brand new, 3 months old, RV.

Nice side story to this:
So, oldest daughter has her 14 week old cochin living in her bedroom at night(goes out to the coop every morning). We made plans for a 4th of July camping trip. Both of my sisters and their families are going too. I tell daughter to bring her chicken out to the coop. She informs me that dad told her she could take it with us if I said it was OK. Im doing a rapid calculation of the odds on getting bird flu, the neighbors dog eating the bird, etc... I agree, but only if the bird stays in her box or in the RV.
So, day 2 of the trip, we go to my sisters site for dinner and a camp fire. An hour later hubby gets tired and heads back. He calls my cell phone and informs me that Moody has had a very nice visit with the campers next to us. DOH. Banging head on table. The bird is an escape artist. And never fall for a cochins fluffy fat look. Those birds are a lot thinner than they appear!

I'm almost afraid to find out whats next...

This is one of my RIR girls. She has 2 of these sorta bald spots on her back over her hips. I don't see any creepy crawlers on her and the rest of my girls show no sign of feather loss. She is not laying eggs but was acting broody in a nest box. Her skin is never red or warm. Is she molting? I don't see anyone picking on her. If anything she's rather bossy. I wanted to make a dust bath for them inside but no dry dirt in sight. I did post elsewhere first but got no answer. Any help would be great. Thanks!!
Hello all!

Berlin Heights, Ohio here. Way up north, smack dab in the middle of the state, right on the lake.

Good to see so many Ohioans with chickens! What fun!

If anyone is interested, I have 3 - 12 week old bantam roos that have to go. 1 EE and 2 mottled cochins. They were purchased out of Meyers random bantam bin with a little white silkie as well. The silkie was the only one that turned out to be a pullet.

Let me know if anyone is interested, I hate to just harvest them as they would only amount to about a cup of soup. LOL
So, I told her we would go out and pick her out her very own pet. Just hers and she will not have to share. The rainbows and giggles come out. All is well in her 8 yr old little world. So last night she comes home and wants to look at chickens. She finds one that sounds ideal to here, liking children is one of the birds descriptors. Now, you'd think with all the trips I've made to Meyers in the past month, and the 100+ birds I have, I would have gotten one of the breed she chose??? Nope!

Haha, did she pick a Salmon Faverolle?

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