OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Love it! The snow is a nice touch. :p

I've only just got my Christmas tree up tonight. No point in decorating the exterior of the house or my coop since no one can go past to see it. Humbug lol.
Meh. Another bad day. My sweet little call duck girl from Mandy passed away unexpectedly last night. :hit She was fine during the day and suddenly seemed weak in the evening, so I brought her in and let her hang out in here with me. Gave her some vitamins and electrolytes. Snuggled with her in bed. And she passed away during the night lying next to me. Whyyy is it always the favorites. I swear.
Then this morning I noticed blood in one of the brooders. My immediate thought was cocci, so I ran to TSC, who was out of both Corid and Sulmet and didn't carry Amprol. So I checked the local feed store, they didn't have it either. Urgh. It's my "homemade" babies from my bantam salmon favs. Turns out, go figure, of 6 I had 4 boys and 2 girls, one girl of which has a deformed foot and can't be bred. The only quality girl died randomly last night before I even saw the blood. So I hate to say it, because I don't want anymore to die, but it wouldn't be a major loss if they didn't make it til TSC's Corid shipment comes in on Thursday.. Maybe I'll just get lucky and they ingested some shavings or something..
Meh. Another bad day. My sweet little call duck girl from Mandy passed away unexpectedly last night.
She was fine during the day and suddenly seemed weak in the evening, so I brought her in and let her hang out in here with me. Gave her some vitamins and electrolytes. Snuggled with her in bed. And she passed away during the night lying next to me. Whyyy is it always the favorites. I swear.
Then this morning I noticed blood in one of the brooders. My immediate thought was cocci, so I ran to TSC, who was out of both Corid and Sulmet and didn't carry Amprol. So I checked the local feed store, they didn't have it either. Urgh. It's my "homemade" babies from my bantam salmon favs. Turns out, go figure, of 6 I had 4 boys and 2 girls, one girl of which has a deformed foot and can't be bred. The only quality girl died randomly last night before I even saw the blood. So I hate to say it, because I don't want anymore to die, but it wouldn't be a major loss if they didn't make it til TSC's Corid shipment comes in on Thursday.. Maybe I'll just get lucky and they ingested some shavings or something..

Oh Shay! So sorry to hear about your babies!

Hopefully everyone else is ok!
Shay, please PM me ASAP. I am so far behind on pics of everything it isn't funny but one of these days I will!!! My new pen is great. Completely enclosed with wire and wood. No one in or out unless I let them!
Meh. Another bad day. My sweet little call duck girl from Mandy passed away unexpectedly las t night. :hit She was fine during the day and suddenly seemed weak in the evening, so I brought her in and let her hang out in here with me. Gave her some vitamins and electrolytes. Snuggled with her in bed. And she passed away during the night lying next to me. Whyyy is it always the favorites. I swear.
Then this morning I noticed blood in one of the brooders. My immediate thought was cocci, so I ran to TSC, who was out of both Corid and Sulmet and didn't carry Amprol. So I checked the local feed store, they didn't have it either. Urgh. It's my "homemade" babies from my bantam salmon favs. Turns out, go figure, of 6 I had 4 boys and 2 girls, one girl of which has a deformed foot and can't be bred. The only quality girl died randomly last night before I even saw the blood. So I hate to say it, because I don't want anymore to die, but it wouldn't be a major loss if they didn't make it til TSC's Corid shipment comes in on Thursday.. Maybe I'll just get lucky and they ingested some shavings or something..

Sorry my phone doesn't always cooperate. Sorry to hear about your loss. It does always seem to be the favorite but then another one seems to take their place & become your new favorite. They have a way of making sure you never get lonely : )

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