OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Holy horse feathers, I've been away from the thread for weeks. Lots of catching up to do.
Howdy fellow Scioto Co-ian! Lucasville (actually more like Minford) here!
I've seen your ads around and am trying hard to resist the porcelains. Trying to convince myself I have way too many breeds going on here already, especially with no breeding pens yet.
Wish I'd seen you there! I went (sure was dead, eh?) and searched high and low for showgirls. It was the only reason I went, actually (but brought home a Cochin pair for kicks and giggles). This was a couple weeks ago. Do you still have them? I'd be very interested in the sgs, at least, and am just down the road a ways from Chillicothe.
:woot :weee

As for news here..
I've got a dozen homegrown eggers in the Brinsea due tomorrow. Really looking forward to these as most of them *should* be naked necks. But, I haven't seen any action from them yet. Technically not due until 5pm tomorrow, and they were all alive at lockdown, but this crappy Brinsea is fond of killing babies during lockdown so I don't have a great feeling.

Also, I've been dying to actually hatch out chicks via broody, but all the girls I've had go broody here have given up within a week or so. But, my tiny little showgirl is broody now for the first time and sitting on one tiny egg, probably not even hers (and a fake porcelain egg..silly thing..). I haven't candled to see if it's alive, but fingers are crossed. She's my absolute favorite of all my 50+ and I'd love to see the ditzy little thing caring for a wee chicklet.

Oh, and I'm officially never ordering from Meyer again. I was initially impressed, but there is something wrong with their birds.. I started with 27 (RIR, BR, WR, Polish, and SLW). It's been 4 months now and I'm down to 4, and don't expect one to make it through the night. They've been dropping like flies. I lose one every few days, starting from when they were a week old to now. Nothing noticeably wrong with them and then randomly find one dead or suddenly very weak and dead within a day. I'd suspect illness in my flock, but of my dozens of birds, ONLY the Meyerbabies are dying. Haven't had death or even illness in any of my others. I haven't contacted them yet, although I assume there's nothing they will do about it. Down to 1 WR, 1 SLW, and 2 BRs, with one of the BRs suddenly acting weak today so probably dead by morning. Gah. I think I'll just avoid hatcheries all together and stick to local.

Any news on those hatchery chicks? I ran down to Meyer about two months ago and picked up a batch. I also hatched out some of my own barnyard mix at the same time. My own chicks have been considerably bigger than the hatchery ones. I've just been chalking it up to the different varieties I bought and I figured quite a few of mine were probably Roos. But now I'm wondering.
I also had some issues with Meyers birds! Ordered 17SLW's and 15 died within 48 hrs. Then they wanted to give a store credit instead of replacing chickens. After some convincing the agreed to reship my entire order. This order should be here Friday or Saturday, hopefully in better health!!
Any news on those hatchery chicks? I ran down to Meyer about two months ago and picked up a batch. I also hatched out some of my own barnyard mix at the same time. My own chicks have been considerably bigger than the hatchery ones. I've just been chalking it up to the different varieties I bought and I figured quite a few of mine were probably Roos. But now I'm wondering.
No new news yet unfortunately. The one I said would likely be dead by morning was indeed. I still have 4, though, as I miscounted (forgot I have 2 WRs left). These 4 are doing pretty well so far. One of the WRs is significantly smaller and punier than the others, so fingers crossed for that one. I've started lengthy emails to Meyer a few times and end up getting distracted and not sending them. I'd love to call and give them a little piece of my mind, but I have a phone phobia lol. Fingers crossed for your Meyerbabies!
Keep us updated?
No new news yet unfortunately. The one I said would likely be dead by morning was indeed. I still have 4, though, as I miscounted (forgot I have 2 WRs left). These 4 are doing pretty well so far. One of the WRs is significantly smaller and punier than the others, so fingers crossed for that one. I've started lengthy emails to Meyer a few times and end up getting distracted and not sending them. I'd love to call and give them a little piece of my mind, but I have a phone phobia lol. Fingers crossed for your Meyerbabies!
Keep us updated?

Shay go on their website they have live chat I did my venting there and they replaced the ones tht were deceased. Its nice to get to talk to a live person and not hafta be on the phone with them. :eek:)
I have ordered around 35 chicks from meyer over the last 3 months and have only had one that was deceased when I opened the box. As for all the others they are growing and doing really well. I have had really good luck with what I have purchased from them They replaced the deceased one immediately and gave me free shipping on my entire order. I dunno if its just luck or what I know any hatchery can have issues. I have ordered from McMurray and was not at all happy with them. Shay they need to make your order right regardless!! Try the live chat on their website and see if that brings results
Quote: Were yours deceased upon arrival or shortly thereafter, or over time? I'll give that a shot regardless (thank you!) but doubt they'll offer to do anything since they died over a 5 month period. I've heard a lot of great things about them, too. Guess I just got a weak batch or something.

ETA: I just saw your second post about having lost one upon arrival. It's good that they took care of that for you.
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Hi I am new. I was wondering if there was anyone or somewhere close to morrow ohio who is ready to vaccinate their chicks. If all goes well I should have few by weeks end. Would like to get them vaccinated
Out of curiosity, anyone fairly nearby going to have chicklets hatching soon to sell? I have 2 broodies who have been sitting for 2-3 weeks and I candled their eggs a couple nights ago and every last one of them is dead. I'd like to give them a shot at being mommas if I could find any chicks nearby and cheap enough. I have chicks now, but they're already a week or so old, and I have shipped eggs coming, but I don't want to make the ladies wait another 3-4 weeks.

Oh, and I contacted Meyer via live chat yesterday about my 23/27 dying over 5 months time, for anyone interested. The good news is, they were friendly and didn't immediately say "Sorry, Charlie". The bad news is, this gal had to run the situation by her manager and said she'd get back to me today. Yesterday was a hatch day and they were extra busy. I dunno..that doesn't sound promising to me, but :fl :fl.

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