OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Has anyone been to Lucasville yet or going this weekend? It looks like a pretty big setup. Has anyone been there in recent years? What do they normally have for sale there?
Just wondering if it would be worth the two hour drive from my home. Thanks
I've learned to tune them all out...but I also have 6 kids & brood my hatchlings beside my bed. I sleep through any noise not made by a child.
I've got 40 chicks just hatched in a brooder. That's gonna make for a long chirping night.

I have over 100 eggs set to hatch between the 4th-6th. Ummmm, yup...gonna be noisy.
I am looking at a new incubator. For those that hatch.. do you like brinsea or is the g.q.f cabinets better?

I am working on my husband to let me get this, for some reason he thinks I am going to go crazy in hatch... lol don't know why he would think that... =)

Plus I am hoping to offer hatching services if people do that?
I am looking at a new incubator. For those that hatch.. do you like brinsea or is the g.q.f cabinets better? 

I am working on my husband to let me get this, for some reason he thinks I am going to go crazy in hatch... lol don't know why he would think that... =)

Plus I am hoping to offer hatching services if people do that? 
I love my dpottsman. I just hatch 8 of 9 shipped eggs in it and hatched 6 of 6 shipped eggs. 100% hatches on almost all of my home eggs. I had a brinsea octagon eco and it didn't do anywhere near as good. The brinsea are pricier and they're not any better. In my opinion a sportsman is your best choice. Mine is the 1502 digital.

People do offer incubation services. Typically they charge so much per egg hatched.
Hi there,

I live in a time town almost in the most northeast corner of ohio.. Madison... love And prefer the small town. I have 18 chickens and 7 ducks right now! Almost done building our coop and will be getting the girls outside today or tomorrow! Hoping to meet others from my area and every where!!!

Have fun!

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