OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

I wanted to share some pics of little ones from @minihorse927 eggs! I love these babies, and my girls are finally sharing the raising duties

Hi Everyone!

I have 5 chickens, 5 quail and I live in Stow, Ohio which isn't to far from Cleveland. I love my chickens, they are so neat. It's awesome to see so many chicken lovers in the heart of it all!

I am also looking for an adult bearded silkie hen(s) if anyone has any leads!

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Hmmmm my "Quote and Reply" will no longer quote from my phone. Wanted to welcome ChristyC to the thread. How long have you been keeping chickens?
Hamilton Ohio here in the greater Cincinnati area. 2 Silkies, 4 EE's, 1 Rhode Island, and a Wyandotte for my first flock. New to the hobby and loving it.

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