OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

I live in Vandalia, OH . . .in Montgomery County. We are just north of Dayton. Just wanting to see how many Ohioians are chicken "farmers".
I am in KY but I have five "Buckeye" hens who will be one year old next month. I chose them because they are great egg layers and very cold hardy (and good mousers). I just joined BYC today and am very happy to meet you!
We thought we were going to lose one of our hens. She became lethargic and kept to herself, had stopped laying, had a bit of a pasty butt. So we gave her epsom salt butt baths and anti fungal spray on the butt feathers, and she seemed better. Then she got worse again, I even saw what looked like she was trying to vomit a bit and her comb was flopped over, she spent most of a day in a nest and kept away from the others. She wasn't eating her favorite yogurt snack, either. So I put some probiotic in their water and the next day she seemed better, even came to the door for her mealworm snacks. and even came out and foraged a bit. Then yesterday, voila, she seemed her old self again, her comb was mostly standing up, and she was out and about as usual. Tonight I noticed that she was roosting up in her usual spot next to the rooster. I have no idea what was wrong, but I'm glad she seems to have gotten over it on her own. I hope she starts laying again, she had been my best layer.
We thought we were going to lose one of our hens. She became lethargic and kept to herself, had stopped laying, had a bit of a pasty butt. So we gave her epsom salt butt baths and anti fungal spray on the butt feathers, and she seemed better. Then she got worse again, I even saw what looked like she was trying to vomit a bit and her comb was flopped over, she spent most of a day in a nest and kept away from the others. She wasn't eating her favorite yogurt snack, either. So I put some probiotic in their water and the next day she seemed better, even came to the door for her mealworm snacks. and even came out and foraged a bit. Then yesterday, voila, she seemed her old self again, her comb was mostly standing up, and she was out and about as usual. Tonight I noticed that she was roosting up in her usual spot next to the rooster. I have no idea what was wrong, but I'm glad she seems to have gotten over it on her own. I hope she starts laying again, she had been my best layer.
I'm so glad she is ok. I'll have to remember about the probiotic in the water. Is it a certain brand?
We thought we were going to lose one of our hens. She became lethargic and kept to herself, had stopped laying, had a bit of a pasty butt. So we gave her epsom salt butt baths and anti fungal spray on the butt feathers, and she seemed better. Then she got worse again, I even saw what looked like she was trying to vomit a bit and her comb was flopped over, she spent most of a day in a nest and kept away from the others. She wasn't eating her favorite yogurt snack, either. So I put some probiotic in their water and the next day she seemed better, even came to the door for her mealworm snacks. and even came out and foraged a bit. Then yesterday, voila, she seemed her old self again, her comb was mostly standing up, and she was out and about as usual. Tonight I noticed that she was roosting up in her usual spot next to the rooster. I have no idea what was wrong, but I'm glad she seems to have gotten over it on her own. I hope she starts laying again, she had been my best layer.
So hard when they fall ill with no apparent reason or clue. If only we could learn to speak chicken. ;) "Mom I have an egg stuck" would be so much easier then guessing.

I'm glad your girl is doing better.

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