That is EXACTLY what she looks like! I couldn't put my finger on the setter part, but you're right, she does.

Whatever she is, she's beautiful... and she was an adorable puppy too.
She's a mutt, my husband calls her a Labradork because she's such a nut. Part Black Lab, part who knows what! She came from a good rescue.



To me I think she looks like a Flat Coated Retriever. That is my opinion but I am not an expert.

Yes she is very similar to one, just a little broader in the face. All I know is that her momma was a Black Lab.

Thanks HenMama
I'd tell her what you said, but we don't want her getting big-headed
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Having worked with rescue dogs and having adopted them, I can see both sides of this. People working in animal rescue see the absolute worst sides of people. It is HARD not to get burned out and bitter. There are some really cruel, stupid, selfish people out there.

And it is hard to read between the lines of an application. Some wonderful sounding family will return a dog a year later with some lame excuse like 'it wouldn't stop drinking out of the toilet' Put the toilet lid down you #$%^&&!

On the other hand it is sad that so many dogs don't even get one family interested in them while other dogs are literally fought over. I recently fostered a little Powderpuff puppy that had over 40 applications put in for him. Unfortunately the rescue group didn't post 'adoption pending' so a lot of people were very dissapointed. Other dogs that I have fostered (that were much 'better' dogs) never got even a nibble of interest in months. I don't know if this was the case with Lyric but she may have been promised to someone before your application was recieved.

Good luck with your new girl. Also, just so you know there are national mixed breed clubs where you can do competitive agility. UKC and many national purebreed dog clubs also allow mixed breeds to compete in their shows.
When I was a foster home for a rott pup I had no say in who got the pup. I was very upset that they chose a family that had one dog and their first baby on the way over a stay at home mom with her third on the way and one other rott. I felt a mom with 2 already would be better prepared to deal with her third child than one with her first on the way.

What can I say animal people are a little nutty. Some just in different ways. Sorry you got turned down.
I agree with you... I had 2 dogs when I had my first and it's funny cause I have heard people say... I don't know if I can deal with diapers and a puppy... which is good that they know their limitations but for me caring for pups and dogs was always second nature.
The thing is she admittedly refused to read my application because of the questions I asked... because I did research but she thought I was a backyard breeder and wouldn't let my app go any further...
Wow, i just read this whole post...The way I see it, you were spared by an ignorant 'Rescuer" from paying a HUGELY ABSORBANT fee (that most likely would have padded her pocket) for a dog that probably had health issues and was rewarded by an adorable free puppy looking for a home that will most likely be alot more genetically healthy and all around better dog for your family. I agree with Ninja..Serendipity...Best of luck with your new puppy, She's Adorable! I luv Big 'OL pups. A few months ago I got a Lab/AB puppy and we only had her a few days and she just disapeared out of our chain linked fence and she was only 7 weeks old. I often wonder what happened to her, now I have an 8 week old Pit bull/ English Mastiff-Golden lab that is absolutely perfect for us and I love her to peices and she is snoring on my pillow right next to me. I have raised labs, pits and beagles, beagle mixes, and Pit/ Cane corsos before and this puppy could be the smarest puppy I've ever raised.

btw I swear Ginger looks JUST like a Rottie in your avatar, thats what I always thought it was....She looks totally different in the pic you posted..I would say she looks just like a min pin to me.
You guys are right Karma- Serendipity-Those other puppies will find a good home...and I feel Clover found us.. the very first day and her first poop was brought to the vet and she has round worm and giardia and alot of blood in her stool...so we will get her all fixed up...
and hopefully if noone claims her she'll be ours forever...

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