Okay curiosity has gotten the better of me :-)


5 Years
Oct 7, 2014
Hello everyone, another newbie has joined, to be honest I wasn't sure if I should post under new member introduction or here, so I opted for here.

This is Charlie, to be honest I'm not sure what he is besides a spaz, we're having a small dispute on who is the top roo ;-)
Besides Charlie (recently purchased), we have 8 other chickens, couldn't tell ya what they are (crs) my husband recently as well, brought the 8 home plus a duck to add to 4 we already have.
So anyone care to guess what Charlie is?
(Edited to add another pic)




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Since the bottom of his feet are yellow, that rules out a Black Australorp. Could be an Australorp mix, though, or a Jersey Giant. Whatever he is, beautiful rooster!
Wow! You guys are fast lol, I was coming back here to edit my original post and ask a question.
So here goes, since my husband was originally *only* getting a hen and her 2 babies, but came home with 8 plus a duck, would it be fair to say that *chicken math* was involved? Lol
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Thank you guys so much! I did add another pic, because to my eyes one foot looks pinkish and other looks yellow, hence the question about his breed, I was told when I purchased him that he is a giant, but wasn't so sure lol, either way he's a keeper, besides the fact that I've named him
LoL!! When I explained what I had learned here about *chicken math*, his response was "well you were with me" that I was lol

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