Okay, howzabout we help each other out... *UPDATED* See last post!!!!!

i got my first!! and it was small.... but good!!



I brought home my 5 girls on Father's Day and was told 2 were laying good the others were 15 weeks, I got 1 egg each day for the first 4 days, then they stopped. No more eggs in the nest at all.
I thought because they had been moved and maybe were stressed or something. Later I happed to be in the guinea pen and guess what??? Eggs, I couldn't believe it, 18 of them!!! Not knowing how old they were, I brought them inside, and put them in the incubator. They are now on day 8 so hopefully they will hatch.
I used to raise quail, so I was glad to have the bator already.
Now I check the nest boxes plus the guineas pen.( Even though the guineas stay in the chicken coop now). I am now getting 1 or 2 eggs daily, they are really good. Maybe the other girls will hurry and lay.
Hey all! I got my first egg on Wednesday.

Six of my girls just tuned 21 weeks old on Friday.
I suspect it was Myrtle (Partrige Rock) who is living up to her namesale (Moaning Myrtle from Harry Potter fame) by squawking up a storm every time I go near the coop.

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