okay tell me if im right??? silkie breeding add color if i missed any!


10 Years
Jan 17, 2010
Im getting silkies and i want to know ALL that colors that silkies come and in and how to breed what to get that color....... so far i got

Blue x Blue = 50% Blue 25% Black 25% Splash

Blue x Splash = 50% Blue 50% Splash

Splash x Splash = 100% Splash

White x White = 100% White

Black x Black = 100% Black

Buff x Buff = 100% Buff

Red x Red = 100% Red

Partridge x Partridge = 100% Partridge

Blue x Partridge = 100% Blue Partridge

Tell me if this is right?? How do i get a calico?? and any other colors please don't hesitate to comment and tell me!!
Thank you!
Black x Blue = 50% Black , 50% Blue

Darn it Kelly, you beat me to it!
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Just out of curiosity, What other colors have come out of mixed pens? For example a buff x blue
buff x black
blue x partridge

I'm just getting into silkies to and plan on just doing the B/B/S in one pen. Whites in another but I do have a buff hen and a partridge what I believe to be a Roo but to young to tell yet.
Just curious as to what I could get if I mixed them in down the road.
I think I heard of a Cuckoo silkie???
Does crossing white with anything other than white get you anything different?
Not always, I paired a splash cockerel "Georgie" who kept throwing to dark of a pattern splash babies on good 50/50 & blue hens, with a washed out splash hen "Wendy" and the babies came out perfect for the CA owner who went on to win pretty big with those birds on the west coast.

Sometimes you need to just mess with breeding the birds and keeping good notes on the results.


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