Okay, that was a little...............disturbing.

OK, so I opened several more, and there were no more veining, but alot of the 'storm cloud' looking ones. Hmmmm. I wish they would have finished the job!

ETA they tasted great!
A little extra protein never hurt anybody....
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Yeah,lol, my mom always cracked eggs separately before she used them. That started after finding a partially formed chick in one. I wasnt very old but I remember the fuss she made!
Once in awhile I'll find and egg covered up with nesting materials like the hen or pullet is trying to hide their eggs. There have been a few times when I thought I'd collected all the eggs and decided to feel around in the nests. One day I found 3 hidden eggs under the nest. I always feel around the nest boxes now when I go out to collect the eggs as I'm wise now to their tricks.
Don't quote me on this one but i read somewhere that this can happen even if an egg isn't fertile. Seems like they said it has something to do with the hen hemoraging a bit when producing the egg. I can remember when we always cracked eggs in a bowl to check for blood spots. Back then even store bought eggs would have the spots and i'm pretty sure that they weren't bread chickens. Maybe someone else knows more about this.
When I was a little girl I collected the eggs. Somehow I must have wrestled one away from a broody because when Mom cracked it into my Playskool mixer it had a fully formed dark chick in it. I didn't eat eggs again til I was in my late twenties.

Now, in addition to my business I cook part time at a local diner. Every now and then I get a DISGUSTING bloody egg. I'm not squeamish about blood, but there's something about it in the eggs that just freaks me out.

Sometimes there's just a tinge, but sometimes it's really bad.

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