***OKIES in the BYC III ***

A 30K should do just about everything you need, but I do not know the draw of your heater.. that would be my only concern.. If teh heater has a 15Kw heat strip you likely fine if its bigger than that and teh Hot water tank kicks on at the same time you may have issues..

I assume someone came out and inspected teh house and did full load calculations?

The generator will pull all we have now, but we are building a house in about a yr - 18months (unless the army sends dh away -- then I will wait until he is back). The heat will probably be propane, but a/c will need to pull off the generator sometimes. Assuming cooking will be electric, but we may go with propane. Last time took them almost 4 wks to come fill our tank, so I have mixed feelings.

We want to go ahead & buy something that will be big enough for when we build. We have been back & forth on house size, but think we are going with 2500 sq ft, since kids will be out of the house soon after we get the house built.

Cowboy -- it wasn't letting me hit submit either!!!!

Michael glad you got the cat, looks like it could have been trouble. It's so cold the dogs are all snuggling in the dog house. Haven't heard a bark all night.
That's a big one.
I've had several long posts ready and get an error code every time I go to post it. I won't try so hard with this one

Old Cowboy-glad you're back in cyberspace! I don't think the double posts are you're fault-like I said I'm having a heck of a time trying to post. Michael, all I gotta say is if I saw that cat while I was tucking the birds in I'd have to go change underwear! I've never seen anything like that around here EVER. It looks like a dang Ocelot, what the heck is it??
I bought a trail cam this evening. It will probably take until tomorrow to figure out how to program the thing, hopefully before sundown so I can attach it to a tree.
Borrowed my mom's vitamix blender. Things are EXPENSIVE, but worth every penny. I had a green lunch, and if I could get off my butt and do this garden thing, it could have been mostly free... except for the apple slices & the third of a pear I put in there (pears thicken smoothies, and I'm horribly terribly allergic to bananas).

I really need to figure this out.

Going out to the mudroom to check on the silkie chicks and teens...
I say a garden is far from free if you have city water-- my bill would be $50-$75 a month higher if my rain barrels ran dry when we lived in town. Now we have a well-- so no high water bills!! Dh is currently putting the house on a separate water line than all of our outdoor faucets, so only our house water is going through the water softener.
I know it won't be free, but it'd be better for me, in season, and I'm spending that $75 in fruits/veggies in a month anyway. It's just a matter of control more than a matter of free, now that I'm really having to word it how I should have worded it in the first place.
I know it won't be free, but it'd be better for me, in season, and I'm spending that $75 in fruits/veggies in a month anyway. It's just a matter of control more than a matter of free, now that I'm really having to word it how I should have worded it in the first place.

I have a set monthly grocery budget, dh has an allotment set up so I goes straight into my grocery account each month. I buy all my garden & canning supplies from my grocery budget. He has never known about the cost of seeds & such. But when the water bill came I would sure hear all about it!!! He would always threaten to make me stop watering. For the most part a few 55 gal barrels caught water from the gutters & would keep my garden watered nice on the average yr. I also had the ac drip line going into my rain barrel. I would water by hand so it would take me about an hour each night -- I enjoyed watering by hand so I could check the plants regularly.

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