***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Hope it helps.

Already been outside to tend the flock. Put Blue Bitsy back under a heat lamp after giving antibiotics. ..she is still not eatting like she should so will take yogurt and moist feed out next.

Not being able to have caffeine this morning is kicking my rear...had t go 12 hours before tests at 1 pm.....
At least I didn't have to fast for this.

Hope everyone enjoys their day.
Here is a video of the baby NN's they learned how to eat the dubias very quickly.

This is my first video so not sure if it is going to work.
OMG Kass I loved this video!! I was laughing so hard at that little splash chick. Kept looking at everyone like "how are you doing that?". Then when it finally got one it sure didn't take long to run back over!! Now I gotta tell myself I really do not need bugs, really do not need bugs!

Galen had her kid tonight. It's a doeling. I took some video but need to edit it before I can post it. There's too much noise with me bumping into the feeder when I moved back. I'll be back on when I get it finished.
Congrats on the baby!
Can't wait to see the video!

Well this morning while I was in the shower my daughter came in upset that our only Silkie chick was dead. :( My little buddy. I don't know what happened, if it was me or just something wrong with the chick since it had such a difficult hatch. I'm clueless here. I know the three Ameraucana's are doing just fine including the little one who had the pasty butt.

I guess since I have so many chick's thanks to Ksane :) , and turkey and pheasant eggs in the incubator thanks to PoultryandBees :) , One day when everyone is out of the house I'll try my luck again with some Silkies. Maybe I can buy live ones instead of hatching lol. I laugh at my dad because he has to turn so many eggs for 25 days. hehe He asked if it would be to late to get a turner put in there but IDK.

I am so sorry for your loss. It is hard to loose any of them but the ones we help out are even harder I think. I am still learning on this incubator thing so I think I will go with chicks for the rare breeds I am wanting. Unless I can find someone near me in Tecumseh who is comfortable setting the eggs and more experienced than me!

Agh, worked my real job on saturday all day so I could stay home on sunday figuring I'd be up all night watching storms, just to get sick saturday night and all day yesterday. I need to get out in the garden today, but I think housework is going to trump that

I hope you feel better soon! That's just not fair to get sick on a day off!!!
You should file a formal complaint! With whom I have no idea but it would make you feel better. LOL

Hope it helps.

Already been outside to tend the flock. Put Blue Bitsy back under a heat lamp after giving antibiotics. ..she is still not eatting like she should so will take yogurt and moist feed out next.

Not being able to have caffeine this morning is kicking my rear...had t go 12 hours before tests at 1 pm.....
At least I didn't have to fast for this.

Hope everyone enjoys their day.

I sure hope Bitsy gets to feeling better. And NanaKat not being able to have caffeine in the morning is against the law in many states! You should check if OK is one of them. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!

Oakieridge I would seriously stay on whoever is in charge of keeping those wolves secure. Your kids riding their bikes could easily trigger the prey response. I know people raise them and that is their right but I do not believe they should be able to within family or any kind of a residential area. Just my opinion.
I wasn't able to put my video on YouTube. I'm not sure what's going on. Maybe it has something to do with the security software DH has installed on our home network. I was able to upload the video to Vimeo. Here's a link to Galen's Kid. I hope it's working as it should. I watched it via the link before posting it here. I'll have still photos momentarily.

Edited to add photos:
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Hope it helps.

Already been outside to tend the flock. Put Blue Bitsy back under a heat lamp after giving antibiotics. ..she is still not eatting like she should so will take yogurt and moist feed out next.

Not being able to have caffeine this morning is kicking my rear...had t go 12 hours before tests at 1 pm.....
At least I didn't have to fast for this.

Hope everyone enjoys their day.

Hope your tests come out good. Tomorrow I have to do a fasting blood test, then some other stuff. Spend night in OKC then another fasting morning and heart cath. Two mornings in a row fasting is going to really test my will power.
Nana, I hope your little pullet improves. She was such a pretty thing. She's what makes me want to cross my Black Start with the Cochin boy.

Well this morning while I was in the shower my daughter came in upset that our only Silkie chick was dead. :( My little buddy. I don't know what happened, if it was me or just something wrong with the chick since it had such a difficult hatch. I'm clueless here. I know the three Ameraucana's are doing just fine including the little one who had the pasty butt.
I guess since I have so many chick's thanks to Ksane :) , and turkey and pheasant eggs in the incubator thanks to PoultryandBees :) , One day when everyone is out of the house I'll try my luck again with some Silkies. Maybe I can buy live ones instead of hatching lol. I laugh at my dad because he has to turn so many eggs for 25 days. hehe He asked if it would be to late to get a turner put in there but IDK.

I'm positive it wasn't your fault. To have that many eggs and only *1 make it to a few wks and then die? That was something beyond your control. Shipped eggs are always a gamble. I think people blame the post office a lot when in reality it's a combination of everything, not just the PO. It's very possible lots of them weren't even fertile. Betsy is going to be at POOPS I believe,she's got nice quality Silkies, I have 2 of hers and Robin has had some, great temperaments. Was it one of the Lav Ams that had loose stools? These 3 here are fine so I'm sure it was just the stress of moving and the food change, being exposed to other chicks, etc. I'm loving these Lavenders, compared to the bigger Ameraucanas they're so much calmer. I ended up separating them because they kept getting ran over. These Dark Brahma girls are like bulls in a china shop.
Not too late for a turner at all. I spent the extra money to get a turner for my Brinsea incubator and am glad I did. I'm not so sure 3-4 times a day is enough turning although there's some that claim they don't turn at all.
I wasn't able to put my video on YouTube. I'm not sure what's going on. Maybe it has something to do with the security software DH has installed on our home network. I was able to upload the video to Vimeo. Here's a link to Galen's Kid. I hope it's working as it should. I watched it via the link before posting it here. I'll have still photos momentarily.

She looks great. It amazes me how the La Mancha ears are so dominant.
I wasn't able to put my video on YouTube. I'm not sure what's going on. Maybe it has something to do with the security software DH has installed on our home network. I was able to upload the video to Vimeo. Here's a link to Galen's Kid. I hope it's working as it should. I watched it via the link before posting it here. I'll have still photos momentarily.

Edited to add photos:

I wasn't able to put my video on YouTube. I'm not sure what's going on. Maybe it has something to do with the security software DH has installed on our home network. I was able to upload the video to Vimeo. Here's a link to Galen's Kid. I hope it's working as it should. I watched it via the link before posting it here. I'll have still photos momentarily.

Edited to add photos:

Aaawwww!! Mama loves her baby so much! Goats are darling when they're babies, so are the hair sheep. I'm thankful I'm past that point in my life of having them though.

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